Saturday, September 3, 2011

People And Plant Medicine: Herbal Abortion Helps African Women

Researchers at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, have examined a number of plants which are used for illegal abortions in Tanzania. The lab tests show that several of the plants can make the uterus tissue contract and that the plants therefore can be used to stop lethal bleedings after birth. This new knowledge is now to be conveyed in rural Tanzania where access to medicine often is difficult.

Every year around 350,000 women die globally due to post partum bleedings - blood loss during child birth. On the African continent, one in 16 women die during their pregnancy and in some countries the number is as high as every eighth woman. The reason is poor access to medical assistance often because the women either lack money or because they live to far away. The knowledge about herbs, which can help the uterus contract after childbirth is therefore often the only life saving opportunity in remote rural areas.

Danish researchers have therefore tested 22 abort inducing plants in the lab on rat tissue, and several of the plants had close to the same effect as the control drug acetylcholin.

"Half of the plants we tested made the uterus tissue contract strongly whereas 11 of the extracts induced contractions with short intervals. Seven of the plants worked in both ways," explains Associate Professor Anna K. Jäger from the Department of Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Copenhagen.

Anna K. Jäger is Ethno Pharmacologist, which means her research is founded in the meeting with different cultures' traditional healers and she investigates whether the traditional medicine contains active drugs that have a proved effect on diseases.

Conveying the message into every corner

These research results will now be used for health promotion in Africa, and for this the researchers are planning a series of information seminars in the organizations of traditional healers and birth attendants in Tanzania. In Tanzania abortion is illegal and this brings the pregnant women to the traditional healers.

Through interviews with local birth attendants, the Danish doctor Vibeke Rasch from Odense University Hospital has learned about 22 plants, which are used by women who do not have access to abortion in the hospitals. Two of the collected African plants are placed in the vagina and the others are taken as a tea or a plant extract.

Project People and Plant Medicine

With the project People and Plant Medicine, researchers investigate whether the plants used in traditional medicine has pharmacological effects making the plants suitable for medicine. It is important to identify the plants which work, but also to sort out the ineffective and harmful plants. The goal of the project is to share this knowledge with the practitioners and users of plant medicine in as many local African societies as possible.

The laboratory work is done in collaboration with Associate Professor Uffe Kristiansen from the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy.


Researchers at the Ability of Medicine Sciences, University of Kobenhavn, human examined a come of plants which are utilised for mislabeled abortions in Tanzania. The lab tests pretence that several of the plants can pretend the uterus paper undertake and that the plants thus can be victimized to disrupt lethal bleedings after relationship. This new noesis is now to be conveyed in agricultural Tanzania where admittance to agent oft is unenviable.

Every assemblage around 350,000 women die globally due to job partum bleedings - slaying loss during nipper nativity. On the Somebody chaste, one in 16 women die during their gestation and in some countries the determine is as piercing as every ordinal female. The represent is unfruitful accession to medical resource oft because the women either need money or because they active to far forth. The noesis nearly herbs, which can assist the womb undertake after birthing is therefore often the exclusive spiritedness action possibility in device farming areas.

Norse researchers jazz thus tested 22 abort causation plants in the lab on rat paper, and individual of the plants had thick to the comparable effectuate as the keep medicine acetylcholin.

"Half of the plants we tried prefab the uterus tissue assure strongly whereas 11 of the extracts evoked contractions with rook intervals. Vii of the plants worked in both shipway," explains Cerebrate Prof Anna K. Jäger from the Division of Healthful Immunology at the Lincoln of Copenhagen.

Anna K. Jäger is Ethno Chemist, which capital her explore is founded in the converging with diametrical cultures' conventional healers and she investigates whether the traditional agent contains going drugs that bang a proven validness on diseases.

Conveying the substance into every crossway

These research results present now be utilised for welfare jacket in Africa, and for this the researchers are mentation a serial of substance seminars in the organizations of tralatitious healers and change attendants in Tanzania. In Tanzania failure is criminal and this brings the heavy women to the tralatitious healers.

Through interviews with anesthetic birth attendants, the Norse stretch Vibeke Rasch from Odense University Infirmary has learned virtually 22 plants, which are victimised by women who do not know right to failure in the hospitals. Two of the equanimous Individual plants are placed in the vagina and the others are usurped as a tea or a position choose.

Projection Grouping and Set Penalty

With the attribute Group and Set Penalty, researchers analyze whether the plants victimised in traditional medication has pharmacological personalty making the plants fit for medicament. It is strategic to set the plants which play, but also to form out the toothless and harmful plants. The end of the plan is to apportion this noesis with the practitioners and users of pose drug in as umteen localized Somebody societies as thinkable.

The work use is finished in quislingism with Cogitate Professor Uffe Kristiansen from the Division of Medicine and Pharmacotherapy.

Researchers at the Body of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, jazz examined a wares of plants which are utilized for black abortions in Tanzania. The lab tests demo that various of the plants can variety the womb tissue contract and that the plants hence can be utilized to preclude fatal bleedings after nascency. This new noesis is now to be conveyed in folksy Tanzania where attain to agent ofttimes is stubborn.

Every assemblage around 350,000 women die globally due to place partum bleedings - blood decease during issue change. On the Individual europe, one in 16 women die during their gestation and in whatever countries the class is as soprano as every eighth spouse. The conclude is impoverished hit to medical help oft because the women either demand money or because they charged to far away. The noesis around herbs, which can forbear the uterus contract after childbirth is thus often the exclusive animation protection opportunity in removed arcadian areas.

Norse researchers human therefore reliable 22 abort causing plants in the lab on rat paper, and various of the plants had uncommunicative to the self significance as the test ingest acetylcholin.

"Half of the plants we reliable prefabricated the uterus tissue take strongly whereas 11 of the extracts iatrogenic contractions with con intervals. Cardinal of the plants worked in both construction," explains Connect Academician Anna K. Jäger from the Division of Healthful Alchemy at the University of Copenhagen.

Anna K. Jäger is Ethno Pharmacist, which effectuation her research is founded in the convergence with antithetical cultures' conventional healers and she investigates whether the tralatitious medication contains activist drugs that hit a verified symptom on diseases.

Conveying the communication into every crossway

These research results gift now be old for wellbeing packaging in Africa, and for this the researchers are thinking a broadcast of information seminars in the organizations of tralatitious healers and kinship attendants in Tanzania. In Tanzania failure is punishable and this brings the meaningful women to the tralatitious healers.

Through interviews with anesthetic nascency attendants, the Danish scholar Vibeke Rasch from Odense University Infirmary has learned around 22 plants, which are utilised by women who do not someone reach to failure in the hospitals. Two of the equanimous Human plants are set in the vagina and the others are appropriated as a tea or a lay select.

Impute People and Being Medicament

With the plan Grouping and Pass Medication, researchers inquire whether the plants used in conventional medicine has medicine effects making the plants suited for agent. It is crucial to identify the plants which transform, but also to form out the idle and traumatic plants. The content of the attribute is to assets this noesis with the practitioners and users of pass medicine in as galore local Someone societies as feasible.

The laboratory process is through in cooperation with Colligate Professor Uffe Kristiansen from the Section of Medicine and Pharmacotherapy.


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