Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Please help!!!! i'm going insane here!!

Hello all, i am going insane trying to figure out what is wrong with me, and waiting for my referal letter to the hospital is taking too long!
for about 4 months now i have been having aching pains in my right leg (these are hard to describe) to the point where i can not sleep.. they are ever so painful, sometimes my leg swells and sometimes it goes a different colour, the pain is just getting worse and pain killers do nothing. sigh!
recently i have began to feel tired all the time, i am ever so bloated and have excessive wind. i have also had 3 periods in the last 5-6 weeks and i bleed after sexual intercourse (which is painful). and so like you do, i put all the symptoms in the internet and the first thing that comes up is ovarian cancer so i'm now bewildered on what i do from here, and yes i know i could be worrying over nothing. i feel like going to A&E department because i cant cope with pain any longer but i feel that it would be a waste of journey as they will say i have to wait for my referal letter for my scan, so what shall i do?
can anyone help me, or has had the same or similar situation..? any help/advice will be much appreciated. thank you in advance. i also forgot to mention that i have abdominal pain in the lower left hand side.. thanks once again .


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