Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Really looking for answers. Please help.

Greetings all,
My name is Dan, I am a 42 year old male married with three kids. In the past 6 months I have gone through some health changes, and some heath issues that no one can give me a answer about. The biggest change is that 6 mo ago I was tagged with type 2 diabetes, My blood numbers are not too bad but jump all over anywhere from 50’s to mid 200’s. I am being treated with 500mg of Metformin 3x a day, and 25mg of Precluse 3xday. It seems to help but doesn’t keep me as level as I hoped it would.

So this brings to the biggest and worse health issue I am having. For quite some time I been having this throbbing pain in my neck and shoulder, that travels down my arm and chest. The pain is only on the left side of my body. I have been to 3 different Dr's. An Endocrinologist, a Internal Med Dr, and a Neurology Dr. The other symptom I am having Is internally I feel like I am going 0ne million miles an hr, it’s like something is dumping gallons on adrenalin into me all at once, and at the same time I am getting the left side neck throbbing and my feet feel numb/cold. My Dr. of internal Med put me on 10mg of lexapro and 25mg of zanax. The problem is I still have these systems. In-fact yesterday I had it so bad that I started to have blurred vision and had to go to the ER. The only thing the ER told me was I did have mild heart Paps but that there was nothing else they could do for me. I have never been hyper stressed or diagnosed with any kind of panic or anxiety before. I just know that my issues are getting worse and I can’t find a answer. It seems that each day I feel a little worse than the day before.

Also I should mention that every time I go to the Dr's. Office my blood pressure looks great. And today my Neurology Dr had me get a MRI and a MRA of the brain and cervical vessels. Can anyone shed some light on what might be going on.


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