Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Unexplained Body Odor I can't smell


I am a 21 yr. old male with a body odor that seems to come and go as it pleases. I've asked family members and my doctor but they said they can't smell anything. But when I go to school people behind me hold their noses. This mysterious stench has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Is it possible that the smell is caused by stress? If so, why is it that I've never smelled this phantom feces odor and is there a cure? I always shower thoroughly and my diet consists of a lot of fruits and vegetables but nothing seems to help. I've become comfortable with who I am but I no longer wish for this smell to be a part of my identity. I believe everything happens for a reason but even if I'm wrong this understanding has helped me keep my sanity.


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