Tuesday, September 6, 2011

very anxious newbee

Hi all im new here
I had to have a lumber puncher done on the 01/09 due to eyesight getting worse it was a awfull procedure for me as i am am scared to death of needles
it took around 45 mins and although i was numb i still felt alot of pressure and pain
the neurologist recorded about 45% water/pressure build up which was quite worrying
I was then contacted a week later and was told i may need to have another very quickly and may even have to have a brain shunt operation done
Obviously i am very aprehensive and scared. I am now booked back in to go for another lumbar on the 06/10 and wondered if there was any other way to have this procedure done other than lying on my side feeling alot of pain ?
i know this may sound like i am being silly but my fear of needles is huge and i get very high blood pressure when i know i have to have a needle
any help would be greatly appreciated


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