Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Cervical Dystonia and Botox

I was diagnosed with Cervical Dystonia about 6 months ago and have just received Botox injections for the second time. I was just wondering if there was anyone else out there who has cervical dystonia and/or received botox and what their experience was. My dr seems to think I'm a bit of an oddity as he feels I am too young to have this issue and don't seem to have any real explanation or known cause.
The muscle spasms pulled my head forward and down towards my left shoulder, so that my right shoulder was raised higher that my left and it looked like I was always tilting my head to the side and looking at the floor. It also triggered migraines, which I am prone to anyway. I have had daily headaches and neck and back aches for so many years that I couldn't even pinpoint a time when it started. Never paid much attention to it, as when I had mentioned it before to my dr it had always been brushed off as allergies. Fortunaely my primary Dr. noticed my shoulders were uneven and asked about headaches. After a convo w/her she referred me to a Neurologist who diagnosed me with the migraines (which I already knew I had) as well as the Cervical Dystonia. He recommended the Botox after all the tests and x-rays and what not were done. So I started the Botox this fall and just went in for the second time this morning. Ugh. I hate shots. But it was the first time in my adult life that I didn't have headaches or a stiff knotted up neck and back, so it is worth the discomfort to me.
Well, that is pretty much my story and I would love to hear from anyone else who can relate, as I don't know anyone who has dealt with this.


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