Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A General Question regarding medical care

I'm not sure there's really any group to put this in specifically but I'm curious enough that I'd like to ask this question.

Has anyone had to deal with a doctor that you are pretty sure does not like you?

With my insurance card in hand I was assigned to a surgeon, as in "in network". I've met with him twice in prepping for the big event. The problem is that I get this strong vibe that he does not like me.

I've done nothing to this guy. Nothing. I've been polite and respectful. I have asked a lot of questions but nothing excessive.

I felt this from the first appt. Initially I gave it no thought because I knew nothing about him. Later I met two people at work who'd had him for proceedures and they raved about him. Now, after my second and last pre-surgery appt, I'm more sure he's not wild about me. He barely even made eye contact with me. Again, if not for my co-workers saying what a great guy he was I'd put this off to his being a doctor who just thought a lot of himself. But since that appears to not be his typical way of being, this is starting to concern me.

I've never come up against this before. After this is all over, one way or the other, I'm very tempted to ask him if he thinks he knows me from somewhere. I've even wondered if he has me confused with someone else since I'm sure he meets tons of people in his work.

What do you think? Ever experienced this? Would it concern you or would you assume professionalism will rule the day and just ignore it?

And if this isn't a general health issue, please feel free to just close the thread.


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