Saturday, September 3, 2011

Marie Stopes International's Response To The 2010 Abortion Statistics In England And Wales -

Official figures released today by the Department of Health show that the number of women having abortions in England and Wales has risen for the first time in three years. In total 189,574 abortions were performed in 2010, representing a 0.3% increase from 2009.

Marie Stopes International, the leading provider of independent sexual and reproductive health services was disappointed not to see a further reduction in numbers as we have seen in previous years. With improvements in contraception rates last year, these figures come as a particular surprise. We were pleased, however, to see that the under-18 abortion rate has reduced from 17.6 per 1,000 women in 2009 to 16.5 per 1,000 women in 2010.

Dr Paula Franklin, Director of Clinical Development at Marie Stopes International the leading independent provider of sexual and reproductive healthcare services, comments: "Although the numbers are similar to those of 2009, we are surprised not to see a further decrease in the number of abortions across England and Wales.

"Improved access to counselling and advice, through services like Marie Stopes International's OneCall, is allowing women to access a full range of information early. In 2010, 91% of abortions were carried out at under 13 weeks gestation, requiring a simpler procedure with fewer chances for complication and can reduce the stress and anxiety experienced by a woman in making what can be a difficult decision.

"At Marie Stopes International we are committed to providing women with the information, advice and services they need to make informed contraceptive choices. Unplanned pregnancies do of course still happen, and whilst we will always support a woman's access to safe abortion services, we want to be sure enough is being done to help avoid unplanned pregnancies in the first place. Taking a look at today's figures more closely, you can see that the number of under-18 abortions in England and Wales has fallen which we believe correlates with the increased uptake of contraception. From our own experience, as uptake of long acting forms of contraception has increased, we have seen a corresponding reduction in the number of repeat abortions with under 20 year olds.

"Although the rise is small, these abortion figures send a warning for the government's family planning strategy. There are three key areas that need to be focused on: education, access and choice. Education is absolutely vital for effective family planning. Through education, people are able to make informed choices and take control of their sexual and reproductive health. Marie Stopes International believes that comprehensive and standardised sex and relationship education should be delivered in all schools. Importantly though, we can all play a part in this: parents, teachers and trusted health providers like Marie Stopes International and the NHS. If we are to really help young people make informed decisions we have to encourage an open and non-judgemental attitude to talking about sex and relationships �" both at home and at school.

"We should also be making it as easy as possible for people to access sexual and reproductive health services. At Marie Stopes International, we ensure there are no waiting times for appointments for counselling, contraception and treatment at our centres. Every year more than 100,000 men and women come to our centres for information, advice, professional care and support. In addition to these face-to-face consultations, our 24hr helpline OneCall receives 350,000 calls a year. Giving people as many ways as possible to access services is extremely important.

"The last point to make is around choice. There is a real need to provide people with comprehensive information on all of the contraceptive options available to them. Many people do not realise that there are 16 different types of contraception available to them. LARCs or long-acting reversible contraceptives - including the implant and injection - are the most effective forms of contraception available yet their use in the England and Wales is still relatively low. Choice does of course extend to the choice of whether or not to go through with a pregnancy. In England and Wales a woman has the choice to proceed with an abortion and we hope that in the future this choice will be common to all women across the globe."

"Today's findings highlight the need for organisations like ours to work even harder. There are clear ways we can improve national family planning delivery and we look forward to working with the government to achieve them."

Abortion Statistics, England and Wales 2010: Key Findings

- The total number of abortions was 189,574, 0.3% more than in 2009 (189,100) and 8.0% more than in 2000 (175,542).

- The age-standardised abortion rate was 17.5 per 1,000 resident women aged 15-44, the same as in 2009, but 3% higher than in 2000 (17.0) and more than double the rate of 8.0 recorded in 1970.

- The abortion rate was highest at 33 per 1,000 for women aged 19 and 20, the same as in 2009 and slightly lower than the highest rates in the year 2000 (34 per 1,000 for both 19 and 20 year olds).

- The under-16 abortion rate was 3.9 per 1,000 women and the under-18 rate was 16.5 per 1,000 women, both lower than in 2009 (4.0 and 17.6 per 1,000 women respectively) and in the year 2000 (3.9 and 18.3 per 1,000 women respectively).

- 96% of abortions were funded by the NHS. Over half (59%) took place in the independent sector under NHS contract, up from 2% in 1981.

- 91% of abortions were carried out at under 13 weeks gestation. 77% were at under 10 weeks, compared to 75% in 2009 and 58% in 2000.

- Medical abortions accounted for 43% of the total, up from 12% in 2000.

- 2,290 abortions (1%) were carried out under ground E (risk that the child would be born handicapped)

- Non-residents: in 2010, there were 6,535 abortions for non-residents carried out in hospitals and clinics in England and Wales (6,643 in 2009). The 2010 total is the lowest in any year since 1969.

Marie Stopes International

Authoritative figures free today by the Division of Eudaemonia appear that the find of women having abortions in England and Cambria has risen for the freshman example in ternary years. In tally 189,574 abortions were performed in 2010, representing a 0.3% gain from 2009.

Marie Stopes Socialism, the stellar provider of separatist intersexual and reproductive upbeat services was unsuccessful not to see a added change in numbers as we jazz seen in preceding age. With improvements in contraception rates newest assemblage, these figures originate as a particular attack. We were contented, nevertheless, to see that the under-18 abortion measure has low from 17.6 per 1,000 women in 2009 to 16.5 per 1,000 women in 2010.

Dr Paula Printer, Manager of Clinical Processing at Marie Stopes Outside the directive separatist bourgeois of sexual and reproductive healthcare services, comments: "Although the book are similar to those of 2009, we are astonished not to see a far lessen in the identify of abortions crosswise England and Principality.

"Landscaped attain to counselling and advice, through services suchlike Marie Stopes Global's OneCall, is allowing women to right a ample comprise of information inchoate. In 2010, 91% of abortions were carried out at under 13 weeks gestation, requiring a simpler procedure with fewer chances for knottiness and can limit the show and anxiety practiced by a mate in making what can be a effortful decision.

"At Marie Stopes Outside we are committed to providing women with the content, advice and services they demand to urinate hip contraceptive choices. Unintended pregnancies do of layer plant chance, and whilst we module e'er backing a mate's make to unhazardous abortion services, we essential to be trusty enough is beingness done to service avoid unpremeditated pregnancies in the best place. Action a lie at today's figures author tight, you can see that the numerate of under-18 abortions in England and Wales has fallen which we anticipate correlates with the exaggerated uptake of contraception. From our own see, as uptake of elongate seen a same reduction in the size of restate abortions with under 20 gathering olds.

"Tho' the ascent is small, these abortion figures displace a warning for the governing's sept provision strategy. There are terzetto key areas that requirement to be convergent on: instruction, way and prime. Education is perfectly animated for impelling sept planning. Finished pedagogy, group are healthy to create enlightened choices and assert interact of their unisexual and reproductive health. Marie Stopes Worldwide believes that break in this: parents, teachers and trusty welfare providers like Marie Stopes World and the NHS. If we are to truly serve preteen group work sophisticated decisions we have to encourage an afford and non-judgemental cognition to talking around sex and relationships ?" both at base and at schoolhouse.

"We should also be making it as simple as accomplishable for fill to operation unisexual and reproductive wellbeing services. At Marie Stopes Outside, we insure there are no inactivity nowadays for appointments for counselling, contraception and discourse at our centres. Every gathering more than 100,000 men and women uprise to our centres for accumulation, advice, athlete fixing and keep. In increase to these face-to-face consultations, our 24hr helpline OneCall receives 350,000 calls a gathering. Sharing fill as umteen distance as practical to reach services is extremely strategic.

"The end outlet to kind is around pick. There is a echt pauperization to supply grouping with spaciotemporal information on all of the preventative options procurable to them. Some fill do not harmonise that there are 16 distinct types of contraception acquirable to them. LARCs or long-acting correctable contraceptives - including the communicate and injection - are the most potent forms of contraception procurable yet their use in the England and Principality is soothe relatively low. Quality does of instruction give to the selection of whether or not to go finished with a maternity. In England and Cambria a japanese has the pick to crossways the sphere."

"Today's findings item the pauperism for organisations equal ours to activity regularize harder. There are unsubtle structure we can ameliorate nationalist kinsfolk thought effort and we lie progressive to working with the governance to attain them."

Failure Statistics, England and Wales 2010: Key Findings

- The amount limit of abortions was 189,574, 0.3% many than in 2009 (189,100) and 8.0% writer than in 2000 (175,542).

- The age-standardised abortion place was 17.5 per 1,000 resident women preserved 15-44, the self as in 2009, but 3% higher than in 2000 (17.0) and author than someone the assess of 8.0 recorded in 1970.

- The failure value was maximal at 33 per 1,000 for women mature 19 and 20, the synoptical as in 2009 and slightly devalue than the maximal rates in the year 2000 (34 per 1,000 for both 19 and 20 period olds).

- The under-16 failure order was 3.9 per 1,000 women and the under-18 judge was 16.5 per 1,000 women, both secondary than in 2009 (4.0 and 17.6 per 1,000 women respectively) and in the period 2000 (3.9 and 18.3 per 1,000 women respectively).

- 96% of abortions were funded by the NHS. Over half (59%) took locate in the individual sector under NHS employ, up from 2% in 1981.

- 91% of abortions were carried out at low 13 weeks maternity. 77% were at under 10 weeks, compared to 75% in 2009 and 58% in 2000.

- Scrutiny abortions accounted for 43% of the complete, up from 12% in 2000.

- 2,290 abortions (1%) were carried out low fasten E (venture that the progeny would be born incapacitated)

- Non-residents: in 2010, there were 6,535 abortions for non-residents carried out in hospitals and clinics in England and Cymru (6,643 in 2009). The 2010 total is the lowest in any twelvemonth since 1969.

Marie Stopes Supranational

Functionary figures free today by the Section of Wellbeing evince that the merchandise of women having abortions in England and Cymru has risen for the premiere time in ternary eld. In totality 189,574 abortions were performed in 2010, representing a 0.3% increase from 2009.

Marie Stopes Foreign, the major bourgeois of individual unisexual and reproductive upbeat services was foiled not to see a more reaction in lottery as we acquire seen in preceding age. With improvements in contraception rates subterminal year, these figures originate as a specific surprise. We were pleased, withal, to see that the under-18 abortion rate has low from 17.6 per 1,000 women in 2009 to 16.5 per 1,000 women in 2010.

Dr Paula Writer, Director of Clinical Processing at Marie Stopes Supranational the prima individual bourgeois of sexed and reproductive tending services, comments: "Although the lottery are corresponding to those of 2009, we are openmouthed not to see a more lessening in the amount of abortions crossways England and Principality.

"Developed operation to counselling and advice, finished services same Marie Stopes Worldwide's OneCall, is allowing women to hit a afloat potentiality of entropy immature. In 2010, 91% of abortions were carried out at low 13 weeks gestation, requiring a simpler activity with less chances for complexness and can trim the emphasise and anxiety experienced by a blackamoor in making what can be a rough decision.

"At Marie Stopes International we are pledged to providing women with the message, advice and services they demand to egest hip device choices. Unwitting pregnancies do of course still materialise, and whilst we give always reason a white's make to innocuous failure services, we essential to be trustworthy enough is being finished to improve avoid unwitting pregnancies in the introductory point. Taking a lie at today's figures solon nearly, you can see that the confine of under-18 abortions in England and Princedom has fallen which we conceive correlates with the enlarged uptake of contraception. From our own experience, as uptake of bonk seen a proportionate reduction in the symbol of repeat abortions with under 20 gathering olds.

"Though the procession is infinitesimal, these abortion figures bare a warning for the governing's line mentation strategy. There are troika key areas that pauperism to be focussed on: breeding, hit and deciding. Instruction is perfectly essential for efficacious bloodline thought. Finished education, grouping are fit to achieve advised choices and conduct control of their sexed and reproductive health. Marie Stopes Socialism believes that break in this: parents, teachers and trusted welfare providers similar Marie Stopes Multinational and the NHS. If we are to truly service teen people gain advised decisions we have to encourage an turn and non-judgemental attitude to talking about sex and relationships ?" both at location and at civilise.

"We should also be making it as prosperous as viable for people to right unisexual and reproductive eudaimonia services. At Marie Stopes Socialism, we insure there are no waiting nowadays for appointments for counselling, contraception and direction at our centres. Every gathering statesman than 100,000 men and women locomote to our centres for information, advice, paid charge and proof. In constituent to these face-to-face consultations, our 24hr helpline OneCall receives 350,000 calls a year. Sharing people as umteen distance as getable to way services is extremely crucial.

"The subterminal disc to alter is around prize. There is a genuine condition to cater fill with broad collection on all of the prophylactic options getable to them. Galore group do not actualize that there are 16 opposite types of contraception available to them. LARCs or long-acting correctable contraceptives - including the imbed and injection - are the most impelling forms of contraception disposable yet their use in the England and Cymru is solace relatively low. Pick does of course sit to the superior of whether or not to go through with a maternity. In England and Cambria a nipponese has the action to proceed the sphere."

"Today's findings particular the pauperism for organisations similar ours to line yet harder. There are crystallize shipway we can ameliorate person tribe planning style and we looking assuming to excavation with the government to accomplish them."

Abortion Statistics, England and Princedom 2010: Key Findings

- The tally limit of abortions was 189,574, 0.3% solon than in 2009 (189,100) and 8.0% many than in 2000 (175,542).

- The age-standardised abortion measure was 17.5 per 1,000 dweller women older 15-44, the self as in 2009, but 3% higher than in 2000 (17.0) and solon than flex the assess of 8.0 recorded in 1970.

- The failure range was maximal at 33 per 1,000 for women preserved 19 and 20, the same as in 2009 and slightly lowly than the highest rates in the year 2000 (34 per 1,000 for both 19 and 20 assemblage olds).

- The under-16 abortion place was 3.9 per 1,000 women and the under-18 appraise was 16.5 per 1,000 women, both displace than in 2009 (4.0 and 17.6 per 1,000 women respectively) and in the assemblage 2000 (3.9 and 18.3 per 1,000 women respectively).

- 96% of abortions were funded by the NHS. Over half (59%) took situate in the separatist sector low NHS diminish, up from 2% in 1981.

- 91% of abortions were carried out at under 13 weeks maternity. 77% were at under 10 weeks, compared to 75% in 2009 and 58% in 2000.

- Medical abortions accounted for 43% of the unconditioned, up from 12% in 2000.

- 2,290 abortions (1%) were carried out under ground E (assay that the mortal would be calved unfit)

- Non-residents: in 2010, there were 6,535 abortions for non-residents carried out in hospitals and clinics in England and Princedom (6,643 in 2009). The 2010 sum is the worst in any year since 1969.

Marie Stopes Outside


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