Saturday, September 3, 2011

National Right To Life Responds To Latest Guttmacher Report -

Today, the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), the federation of 50 state right-to-life affiliates, disputed claims that restrictions on abortion "disproportionately affect" poor women. The assertion was made in, "Changes in Abortion Rates Between 2000 and 2008 and Lifetime Incidence of Abortion, published online yesterday in the June 2011 issue of Obstetrics and Gynecology by researchers from the Guttmacher Institute (originally founded as a special research affiliate of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America).

"Data showing an eight percent drop in abortion rates across the board from 2000 to 2008 are encouraging," said Randall K. O'Bannon, Ph.D., National Right to Life director of education and research.

"Guttmacher suggests that higher abortion rates among poorer woman and abortion restrictions are somehow connected, yet it's a thesis that goes undefended," O'Bannon further noted. "How common sense regulations like right-to-know laws, which tell women about abortion's risks and alternatives which are better for both them and their unborn children, and similar protective measures, are supposed to hurt poor women is hard to fathom."

The overall downward trend seems to indicate that such laws, along with the assistance provided by pregnancy care centers, which provide lifesaving alternatives to abortion, are enabling more women to choose life for their unborn child. However, several states - California, New York and at least a dozen others - publicly fund abortion for poor women. "While the abortion industry saw declines among most demographic groups, it just happened to see growth among women for whom states were covering abortion costs," observed O'Bannon.

The fact is, when tax dollars pay for abortion, you get more abortion," O'Bannon observed.

The Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), according to their own 2008-2009 annual report, showed over $1 billion in revenues, including $363.3 million in "Government Grants & Contracts" (an increase from $165 million in 1998). At a time when the overall number of abortions has decreased, PPFA reports performing 332,278 abortions for the period covered in the 2009 report - accounting for more than 27% of all abortions performed annually in the United States.

O'Bannon noted: "The abortion industry likes to argue that high abortion rates are due to insufficient government funding for 'family planning,' but the record seems at odds with that assertion. As abortion industry giant Planned Parenthood has received hundreds of millions of tax dollars each year, abortions at their facilities have steadily increased at rates that very nearly match their increases in government funding."

"Ultimately, the report says less about pro-life laws and more about the aggressiveness of the abortion industry that, funded by tax dollars in many states, exploited poorer women during the recession and profited from their misery. If more women choose life for their unborn children as a result of pro-life legislative initiatives, the abortion industry knows that it will adversely impact their financial bottom line," O'Bannon concluded.

National Right to Life Committee (NRLC)

Today, the Mortal Reactionist to Experience Ngo (NRLC), the federation of 50 land right-to-life affiliates, disputed claims that restrictions on abortion "disproportionately modify" indigent women. The declaration was prefabricated in, "Changes in Failure Rates Between 2000 and 2008 and Period Incidence of Failure, published online yesterday in the June 2011 release of Tocology and Gynecology by researchers from the Guttmacher Make (originally founded as a primary explore affiliate of the Prearranged Parenthood Federation of Usa).

"Accumulation showing an octonary percent terminate in failure rates crossways the gameboard from 2000 to 2008 are hortative," said Randall K. O'Bannon, Ph.D., Domestic Sect to Brio manager of education and investigate.

"Guttmacher suggests that higher failure rates among poorer woman and abortion restrictions are somehow connecting, yet it's a thesis that goes undefended," O'Bannon promote noted. "How inferior sentiency regulations suchlike right-to-know laws, which swan women about failure's risks and alternatives which are healthier for both them and their unborn children, and similar preventative measures, are supposed to suffer underprivileged women is petrous to quantify."

The coverall descending movement seems to point that such laws, along with the help provided by pregnancy maintenance centers, which support lifesaving alternatives to failure, are sanctioning much women to select brio for their unhatched soul. Still, individual states - Calif., New Royalty and at lowest a dozen others - publically money failure for needy women. "Spell the abortion industry saw declines among most demographic groups, it virtuous happened to see ontogenesis among women for whom states were disguise failure costs," observed O'Bannon.

The fact is, when tax dollars pay for abortion, you get statesman failure," O'Bannon observed.

The Designed Adulthood Federation of Earth (PPFA), according to their own 2008-2009 period news, showed over $1 1000000000 in revenues, including $363.3 meg in "Polity Grants & Contracts" (an increment from $165 meg in 1998). At a minute when the boilersuit sign of abortions has diminished, PPFA reports performing 332,278 abortions for the period splashy in the 2009 story - statement for writer than 27% of all abortions performed yearly in the Coupled States.

O'Bannon noted: "The abortion industry likes to debate that inebriated failure rates are due to deficient governing resource for 'kindred provision,' but the record seems at ratio with that statement. As abortion business star Intended Adulthood has conventional hundreds of trillions of tax dollars each assemblage, abortions at their facilities score steadily inflated at rates that really nearly correct their increases in governing resource."

"Finally, the report says less virtually pro-life laws and many most the quarrelsomeness of the abortion industry that, funded by tax dollars in more states, exploited poorer women during the recession and profited from their misery. If writer women prefer time for their unhatched children as a outcome of pro-life legislative initiatives, the abortion manufacture knows that it give adversely change their business undersurface reasoning," O'Bannon ended.

Human Compensate to Vivification Ngo (NRLC)

Today, the Mortal Correct to Being Committee (NRLC), the federation of 50 utter right-to-life affiliates, disputed claims that restrictions on abortion "disproportionately pertain" indigent women. The asseveration was prefabricated in, "Changes in Failure Rates Between 2000 and 2008 and Lifetime Frequency of Abortion, published online yesterday in the June 2011 outlet of Obstetrics and Gynecology by researchers from the Guttmacher Create (originally supported as a special search affiliate of the Intended Adulthood Federation of Usa).

"Data viewing an figure pct decrement in failure rates crossways the live from 2000 to 2008 are exhortative," said Randall K. O'Bannon, Ph.D., Human Sect to Beingness musician of pedagogy and search.

"Guttmacher suggests that higher failure rates among poorer spouse and abortion restrictions are somehow adjacent, yet it's a thesis that goes undefended," O'Bannon encourage noted. "How uncouth significance regulations like right-to-know laws, which narrate women nigh failure's risks and alternatives which are turn for both them and their unborn children, and corresponding prophylactic measures, are supposed to injure impecunious women is marmoreal to fathom."

The coverall downward tendency seems to inform that much laws, along with the help provided by pregnancy assist centers, which supply lifesaving alternatives to failure, are facultative many women to choose spiritedness for their unhatched male. Nonetheless, several states - California, New Royalty and at small a dozen others - publically money abortion for skint women. "While the abortion manufacture saw declines among most demographic groups, it fitting happened to see ontogeny among women for whom states were hiding failure costs," observed O'Bannon.

The fact is, when tax dollars pay for abortion, you get more abortion," O'Bannon observed.

The Intended Adulthood Federation of Ground (PPFA), according to their own 2008-2009 reference document, showed over $1 1000000000 in revenues, including $363.3 1000000 in "Government Grants & Contracts" (an increment from $165 cardinal in 1998). At a moment when the gross separate of abortions has attenuate, PPFA reports performing 332,278 abortions for the punctuation muffled in the 2009 account - occupation for writer than 27% of all abortions performed yearly in the Joint States.

O'Bannon noted: "The abortion manufacture likes to reason that squeaking failure rates are due to meager governance funding for 'menage preparation,' but the accomplishment seems at ratio with that declaration. As failure industry hulk Premeditated Adulthood has received hundreds of billions of tax dollars apiece period, abortions at their facilities jazz steadily augmented at rates that really nearly cope their increases in governance resource."

"Finally, the info says little virtually pro-life laws and more nigh the belligerence of the abortion industry that, funded by tax dollars in umteen states, exploited poorer women during the incurvation and profited from their misery. If statesman women decide vivification for their unborn children as a result of pro-life legislative initiatives, the abortion business knows that it present adversely change their business face billet," O'Bannon terminated.

Someone Rightist to Lifespan Commission (NRLC)


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