Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Who owns my health information?

Here is something that has been bothering me. Maybe someone more versed in HIPPA etc could chime in. Why is it when I get a test or procedure done, the doctor’s office that ordered the test, acts like the are the only ones with exclusive rights to the information in the results of that test. Meaning, they won’t give you the results of the test until the doctor has reviewed it, and even then, they don’t give you any results, the doctor just says “Oh there is an issue” or “Your tests came back negative”.

I’m the one (via my insurance and my own pocket) paying for the test. And as we all know, some of the tests are expensive. Yes, I want my doctor’s intrepretation of my tests but I believe that information , in its raw format, belongs to me, and I should have a copy of it for my own records.

Example. When getting a CT Scan, my understanding is the techs can see instantly on their screens your “results” and either they write the report themselves or send to another tech and they write the report that gets sent to your doctor. But your doctor office (at least the one I’m dealing with), makes you wait 5 business days after a test to call in for the results and even then you have to wait until the doctor has reviewed them. Why? I own that information, that information is on me. Isn’t it?

Of course I even find it frustrating that they do NOT call you with your results if they are negative.

Here is my wish.

1. I want all copies of my test results when the doctors get them.
2. I want copies of my test results regardless if they are positive, negative, or inclusive.

I know that I won’t understand the terms or numbers in the test results, but it would empower me as a patient to do my own research, and be ready to ask the right questions when I finally do get back in to see the doctor on a follow up visit and he only has 5 minutes to spare with me.

Why do the doctors, hospitals , etc treat patients like they are not entitled to their own information?


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