Tuesday, September 6, 2011

GI Problems - Advice Please

For about a week I have been having pressure and discomfort in my stomach and abdomen. I have also had a difficult time passing stool. It's almost as though I have constipation but my stool is soft...I just have a hard time getting it out. I have to strain a great deal...I have had some bleeding from straining. My stool is also smaller...no exactly pencil thin...but small. I'm having a bm daily...which is typicall for me...and pass gas easily. I am VERY gasy. It often feels as though I have to burp. Pressure in my stomach and a discomfort that moves around. Sometimes it's near my belly button, then the left...right...up and down.

I went to see my GP and he did blood work...said my organs are fine and no infection. Now I'm off to see a GI specialist.

Any thoughts? I'm worried...because this is very unusual for me...the discomfort and slight pain. It's not uncommon for me to have a running stool one day and solid the next or have to go suddenly. It's always been this way. But...now I'm so gasy and there is a lot of discomfort.

Family and friends have suggested blockage...and that scares me.

Thank you!


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