I am a female, 17 years old, and over the last couple months things have been..weird for me. I have been having bad headaches, they are terrible. They literally feel like someones banging my head aganist a wall. Also when this headache is happening i get very dizzy and I don't walk straight I sometimes run into a wall. After the headache goes away, I hear this very loud ringing in my ears. Have you heared the mosquito ringtone? Well it's something like that. Even when I don't have this headache sometimes I still hear this annoying mosquito sound. Over the last couple weeks I have had this confusion, like I'll be walking somewhere with my family and I just stop walking and I think things like "Where am i?" "Who is this person talking to me?" and then after the confusion is gone I can remember what I was thinking and then a very loud mosquito sound comes. Right now I can hear the mosquito sound but it's very faint. I've also felt nausea sometimes but never vommited. I also have a bad memory now, I use to have a very very good memory. I have asked my grandparents to take me to the hospital, because I honestly don't feel good I don't even feel like getting out of bed in the morning for school and this is my favorite year because It's my senior year. But my grandparents think nothing is wrong with me and do not want to take me. This hasn't been happening for a little bit of time either, it's been happening for months, but it's getting worse. Does this sound serious to you? What do you think it is? Should I go to the doctors? I'm also tired all the time.
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