Hello folks, I hope everyone reading this is having a peaceful day. To fill in a few details about my self before going into my situation, I am male, age 22.
Mentally I am fine, energetically I am fine, but physically I am in very bad condition, just from a cursory glace anyone could distinguish the fact that I am ill.
My main symptoms are:
Inability to gain weight / muscle
Sunken eyes / dark circles
I weigh in at 122 pounds at the moment. My basal temperature is always low, despite the obvious metabolism. Food passes through my digestive system in under 12 hours. I have a high tolerance to alcohol, absorbing very small amounts, leading me to believe it's the same for everything else.
The symptoms, though varying, I am certain are connected. The goiter in addition to the low basal temperature seems indicative of HYPOthyroidism, but my other symptoms seem to be in stark contradiction, particularly the extremely low weight and rapid metabolism / digestion.
After years of this consistent degradation to my body, asking this identical question to numerous websites, following various recommendations to dead ends and coming up empty in every path to health I have attempted, I have given up, almost.
I don't have money or insurance for doctors. So if anyone here feels like taking a crack at my diagnosis, by all means give it your very best, words can not express the gratitude I would feel if only my body was in a balanced, working order.
Thank you.
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