Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Journey to Diagnosis: an exercise in frustration

I've had persistent abdominal pain since Mid July. It started quite suddenly with an event/attack severe enough to cause me to end up on the floor, I may have passed out I don't know. I just remember my husband finding me on the floor curled up in the fetal position, and having super severe abdominal pain. The pain passed after 20 mins or so, felt like forever, and I thought all was good, but I was wrong. I began to have intermittent mild attacks, all in the same spot of my Right upper quadrant with nausea/vomiting, and over the course of the next 2 weeks they increased in severity until I couldn't stand it anymore and went to Urgent Care (I am still waiting to establish care with a new Primary care provider), I was diagnosed with a UTI, possible kidney infection and prescribed antibiotics.

Ten days later I finish my antibiotics, and all is seeming somewhat better. I'm still having mild pain, but not too bad, then about 4 days later, boom, back to square one and urgent care. Now they are thinking it is my gallbladder. I'm scheduled for an abdominal ultrasound (external & internal), the day after I see the Dr. in urgent care, I'm at work and in so much pain that the urgent care nurse sends me to the ER. They do the ultra sound there, can't find a thing wrong. Everything looks 'normal.' I'm given a shot of Toradol and sent home with a referall to a Gastroenterologist.

I get a call, and am scheduled for a HIDA scan prior to seeing the GI Dr. My HIDA scan is normal (90th Percentile), although about 3 min after I am given the CCK, I have a severe attack of pain. I wait a month to see the GI Dr. Three weeks prior to my appt with the GI Dr., I start to have more pain, increased nausea, and severe constipation. I'm prescribed Zofran for the nausea, to be taken every 8 hrs, which seemed to help some with the nausea. Two weeks prior to the appointment I start having trace amts of blood and mucus in my stool, and am told to monitor it, if it gets to be more than a tablespoon go to ER, otherwise wait to see the GI dr. Finally get to see the GI dr, he pushes on my stomach a little bit after taking a history. He seems puzzled by my sensativity and orders the Colonoscopy and EGD.

Yesterday was my colonoscopy and EGD, and the prep for the colonoscopy kicked my butt. I will NEVER take the Nulytely solution again. I probably only kept half of it down, didn't get any sleep the night before due to constant vomiting & diarreah. The day of the test wasn't so bad just prior, but coming out of the ansethesia was not very fun. I was having super severe gas pains, and having a hard time releasing the gas, infact I'm still having gas issues 32 hrs later. Yesterday, as I'm lying in the recovery area, fighting to come out of the anesthesia, having a hard time of it, my first clear memory is of him grousing about wanting to leave, that he was sick of waiting. I really shouldn't have left, but he talked the nurse into it, and me as well. It's done and there's nothing I can do about it now, except remember not to ask him next time, but call my Mom or Sister. (Pity party whine vent over). They took several biopsies from my esophogas, stomach, and duodenum, but they all came back non-remarkable, and benign.

So now the next step is an Upper GI series (X-ray/flouroscopy). Hopefully this test will yield some information and help my Dr. come up with a diagnosis. I was sent home from work early today because I just about passed out, and the Dr that cleared me to drive myself home said I don't belong at work for atleast today and tomorrow. Possibly longer depending on if I can get the nausea under control enough to eat & drink (I haven't had anything but a few sips since I did the prep on sunday).

At this point, I'm not sure where to go, or what might be going on. I'm sick of being sick, and am getting scared it might cost me my job.

If anyone has any input, give me ideas on what this might be, or can help in any way, please do. Even if it is sharing your own experiences that are similar, I'm at my wits end with this stomach ache.


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