Hello to everyone!
I am 17 years old and for the last week and a half i have been experiencing some sort of a pressure on the sides of my head. It's not really like a headache, just a tight feeling. Sometimes it is accompanied by pain, but often not. It remains there constantly through the day, doesn't really get worse but makes me worry. It doesn't get worse with activity, sneezing, coughing or anything like that. When im lying down and sleeping i don't feel it that much. When touching my sides of the head(location of the temporalis muscle) i am able to detect some sore spots, simetrically on both sides of the head. Also some near the back of the head. Before i've developed this, i've been quite anxious about some other health concern(i thought mushrooms that i ate were poisonous, couse i developed nausea and vomiting and kept worrying and panicing for 10 days, thinking i was gonna die, lol...) So of course, brain tumor is a thing that im afraid of now... but the only real symptom i have, is this pressure in the head, which really irritates me and i want it to disappear, but can't get rid of it couse i keep thinking of what could be wrong... I've been to my doctor, he didn't think any further tests were required, did some blood tests, checked my eyes and let me go. I've also got cold today, couse i probably wasn't dressed enough yesterday(cold outside). Sometimes i can feel some of my muscle twitch, but probably all due to stress... Should i be worried?
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