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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Can anyone tell me what this is

I am making an appointment with my dentist soon ( I got to get this insurance stuff taken care of first) but I am kind of worried. It doesn't hurt or anything but I dont want to take any risk. Thanks for help.

No stethoscope, electrocardiagrams for everyone?

My hematologist of more than a quarter century, other than having a soft touch for writing prescriptions to drug addicts (which is why he was shut down by the State) was one of the most decent people I ever trusted with my health. I saw few other doctors during that time, as he had treated me for (and cured) a life-threatening disease when I was a kid, and subsequently taken the role of my GP - therefore, I don't really know what to think of some of the different rules which newer doctors play by.

There's a GP now who I saw recently who, other than being so young it's hard to believe they let him out of school, is very thorough, dedicated, listens to my whining, etc. What I don't get is that he doesn't seem to so much as own a stethoscope, but he did, without any cardiac complaints, order an electrocardiagram. I was wondering why he would run such a time-consuming, and expensive test (I am on prescriptions for thyroid and blood pressure, but they work - the blood pressure checked out fine), when the technician who ran the test informed me that he does this with everybody. Really? It cost me an extra $20 insurance copay for this, therefore I want to know if other doctors consider this shotgun electrocardiagram practice appropriate.

I am also curious about the apparent de-emphasis on stethoscope use (this wasn't the first GP who I had recently seen which didn't use one).

I would appreciate your thoughts on the above.

Mono, thyroid help

Has anyone experience an enlarged thyroid with mono? The doc says i have mono but i have an englarged thyroid too...

Help im such a wimp


I have to tell someone that we dont want to carry on a business arrangement with them on Monday .......

We have a business arrangement with this person who is over powering, bossy, rude and embarrasses me when there are a crowd of people around. So i decided to terminate our business arrangement which will also terminate any personal friendship i thought we had.

But im totally scared stiff. I dont know where to start, what to say, and how to say it. Im losing sleep over this, i dont know how to be assertive and firm, without it becoming a fight. (she is very agressive). What do i do??

Brown hair, blond eye brows and facial hair

I have dark brown hair but for some bizarre reason my eye brows and facial hair is bright blond. I'm 24 and I've always shaved my stubble so I never really noticed this oddity but lately I've been trying to grow a beard so its become blatantly obvious. Dark brown hair and a blond beard haha. My pubic hair and armpit hair is brown so I don't know why the hell my facial hair and eyebrows are blond. Is this kinda thing rare? I've never seen anyone with a beard thats a different colour to the hair on their head.

Stange car sickness

Hello. I’m 18 years old and I have car sickness. My car sickness manifests itself before the ride even starts. For example, if in a week’s time I would be leaving town for holiday, one day before the trip I feel ill, nauseated and very weak, the state amplfying itself on the day of the departure. The nausea is very srong so that before getting into the car I feel the need to vomit. If I don’t know I have to leave somewhere I still feel ill. Another example is when I leave for shopping, I don’t feel nauseated right away, but as quickly as I smell the car emanation(not fuel smell) I feel ill and vomit. I don’t really feel ill because the car wouldn’t be clean inside. Further more, my family changed four cars until now. Every time the first month was great, I wouldn’t feel sick, but after a while I would get used to the smell of the car and feel sick again. I can’t stand any car freshner. During the ride I have a weak condition and nausea. Before I get in the car I am a bit scared, my heart beats faster and, unfortunately, I vomit. It’s not really a car sickness due to the inner ear and loss of balance because I feel sick before getting into the car. I believe this is a case of fear of feeling ill and then I feel ill. What can I do? I'm desperate...

general just not feeling well

I have kind of a scratchy throat, slight acheyness, tired most of the day, slight cough.. I just feel kind of crumby

1/2 RX pill stuck in throat, what do I do?

i was given a medicine from my doctor and told to take 1/2 pill each day for 2 days, then take 1 pill each night b4 I went to sleep. I took the first one this evening, broke it in half by chewing it in two. The pill was rock hard on the outside. I took plenty of water b4, during and after yet it got stuck in my throat about 3 inches down into the guess is that the sharp edge got stuck in my throat. I have tried almost everything, from licorice, rice cakes, butter, olive oil and several others, including salt water and trying to make myself sick. I have gagged several times and thrown up small amounts. What do I do?

Frozen Shoulder & Cortisone Shot?

I hear it's supposed to help for pain but does the cortisone shot also help give range of motion? Has anyone done it for Frozen Shoulder - your experience please? thanks!

not sure what is going on


I'm starting to get a little worried. It started with a sinus infection that led to a right ear infection about 2 months ago. My GP put me on antibiotics again (i have a hx of recurring sinus problems). This time with my ear infection I developed a achy tightness on the right side of my neck which i assumed was swollen glands. What worried me soon after was my lab work, which has consistently showing my wbc count on the low side of normal (4.7-4.8, range is 4.5-10.0). My diff labs such as neutrophils, lymphs and monos are all mid range and have stayed solidly there. I get my blood drawn once a month to check my liver enzymes (3 wks ago just got off crestor for cholesterol because my dr. said it was making me sick.)
What worries me know is that I still have the swelling on the right side of my neck; it comes and goes, especially flares up when I'm stressed. My body temp is unusually low, as I range anywhere from 97.5-98.5. My hands and feet have been cold a lot lately which is not me at all. I have had a sleep problem for a long time so my sleep schedule varies. I have been also experiencing noticeable fatigue usually every other afternoon and this is also unusual for me.
can anyone offer me any help?

how do you get a dent out of your leg

i have a dent in my left leg and i actually know why. I bumped my leg against a Corbet a few months back. I was all swollen and had a big bump. After a few weeks the bump went away and left my leg with a big dent. That is how i got it. How does a person get rid of it, that is the quiestion

Can anyone tell me what this is

I am making an appointment with my dentist soon ( I got to get this insurance stuff taken care of first) but I am kind of worried. It doesn't hurt or anything but I dont want to take any risk. Thanks for help.

No stethoscope, electrocardiagrams for everyone?

My hematologist of more than a quarter century, other than having a soft touch for writing prescriptions to drug addicts (which is why he was shut down by the State) was one of the most decent people I ever trusted with my health. I saw few other doctors during that time, as he had treated me for (and cured) a life-threatening disease when I was a kid, and subsequently taken the role of my GP - therefore, I don't really know what to think of some of the different rules which newer doctors play by.

There's a GP now who I saw recently who, other than being so young it's hard to believe they let him out of school, is very thorough, dedicated, listens to my whining, etc. What I don't get is that he doesn't seem to so much as own a stethoscope, but he did, without any cardiac complaints, order an electrocardiagram. I was wondering why he would run such a time-consuming, and expensive test (I am on prescriptions for thyroid and blood pressure, but they work - the blood pressure checked out fine), when the technician who ran the test informed me that he does this with everybody. Really? It cost me an extra $20 insurance copay for this, therefore I want to know if other doctors consider this shotgun electrocardiagram practice appropriate.

I am also curious about the apparent de-emphasis on stethoscope use (this wasn't the first GP who I had recently seen which didn't use one).

I would appreciate your thoughts on the above.

Mono, thyroid help

Has anyone experience an enlarged thyroid with mono? The doc says i have mono but i have an englarged thyroid too...

Help im such a wimp


I have to tell someone that we dont want to carry on a business arrangement with them on Monday .......

We have a business arrangement with this person who is over powering, bossy, rude and embarrasses me when there are a crowd of people around. So i decided to terminate our business arrangement which will also terminate any personal friendship i thought we had.

But im totally scared stiff. I dont know where to start, what to say, and how to say it. Im losing sleep over this, i dont know how to be assertive and firm, without it becoming a fight. (she is very agressive). What do i do??

Brown hair, blond eye brows and facial hair

I have dark brown hair but for some bizarre reason my eye brows and facial hair is bright blond. I'm 24 and I've always shaved my stubble so I never really noticed this oddity but lately I've been trying to grow a beard so its become blatantly obvious. Dark brown hair and a blond beard haha. My pubic hair and armpit hair is brown so I don't know why the hell my facial hair and eyebrows are blond. Is this kinda thing rare? I've never seen anyone with a beard thats a different colour to the hair on their head.

Stange car sickness

Hello. I’m 18 years old and I have car sickness. My car sickness manifests itself before the ride even starts. For example, if in a week’s time I would be leaving town for holiday, one day before the trip I feel ill, nauseated and very weak, the state amplfying itself on the day of the departure. The nausea is very srong so that before getting into the car I feel the need to vomit. If I don’t know I have to leave somewhere I still feel ill. Another example is when I leave for shopping, I don’t feel nauseated right away, but as quickly as I smell the car emanation(not fuel smell) I feel ill and vomit. I don’t really feel ill because the car wouldn’t be clean inside. Further more, my family changed four cars until now. Every time the first month was great, I wouldn’t feel sick, but after a while I would get used to the smell of the car and feel sick again. I can’t stand any car freshner. During the ride I have a weak condition and nausea. Before I get in the car I am a bit scared, my heart beats faster and, unfortunately, I vomit. It’s not really a car sickness due to the inner ear and loss of balance because I feel sick before getting into the car. I believe this is a case of fear of feeling ill and then I feel ill. What can I do? I'm desperate...

general just not feeling well

I have kind of a scratchy throat, slight acheyness, tired most of the day, slight cough.. I just feel kind of crumby

1/2 RX pill stuck in throat, what do I do?

i was given a medicine from my doctor and told to take 1/2 pill each day for 2 days, then take 1 pill each night b4 I went to sleep. I took the first one this evening, broke it in half by chewing it in two. The pill was rock hard on the outside. I took plenty of water b4, during and after yet it got stuck in my throat about 3 inches down into the guess is that the sharp edge got stuck in my throat. I have tried almost everything, from licorice, rice cakes, butter, olive oil and several others, including salt water and trying to make myself sick. I have gagged several times and thrown up small amounts. What do I do?

Frozen Shoulder & Cortisone Shot?

I hear it's supposed to help for pain but does the cortisone shot also help give range of motion? Has anyone done it for Frozen Shoulder - your experience please? thanks!

not sure what is going on


I'm starting to get a little worried. It started with a sinus infection that led to a right ear infection about 2 months ago. My GP put me on antibiotics again (i have a hx of recurring sinus problems). This time with my ear infection I developed a achy tightness on the right side of my neck which i assumed was swollen glands. What worried me soon after was my lab work, which has consistently showing my wbc count on the low side of normal (4.7-4.8, range is 4.5-10.0). My diff labs such as neutrophils, lymphs and monos are all mid range and have stayed solidly there. I get my blood drawn once a month to check my liver enzymes (3 wks ago just got off crestor for cholesterol because my dr. said it was making me sick.)
What worries me know is that I still have the swelling on the right side of my neck; it comes and goes, especially flares up when I'm stressed. My body temp is unusually low, as I range anywhere from 97.5-98.5. My hands and feet have been cold a lot lately which is not me at all. I have had a sleep problem for a long time so my sleep schedule varies. I have been also experiencing noticeable fatigue usually every other afternoon and this is also unusual for me.
can anyone offer me any help?

how do you get a dent out of your leg

i have a dent in my left leg and i actually know why. I bumped my leg against a Corbet a few months back. I was all swollen and had a big bump. After a few weeks the bump went away and left my leg with a big dent. That is how i got it. How does a person get rid of it, that is the quiestion

Please someone try and help, wound question


I have a track record of having major ocd and picking at any little blemish that pops up on my face for the past year. Especially when I get anxious. Bottom line is, on Friday morning, I picked what started out as just "pimples" on my face (forehead), and now i have three or four open wounds from it I have healed from these before, but I always saw imprpovement 48 hours after. The sores still seem to be red, and the scab does not seem to be pulling together to heal the skin, they are just lying dormant or something :/ As of right now, its been 48 hours since the injuries occured. I am currently on Bactrim DS since Monday (to try and stop the acne before it got out of control), but I ended up destroying myself Beings I am on the Bactrim DS, and before that, I was taking Duricef (another antibiotic), I would belive that my wounds are not infected. I have been taking gentle baths twice a day to make sure the wounds are clean, and will be staying in for the next week to try and heal, but the lack of progress so far is scaring me alot. Please try and help if you can, thanks.

woke up dizzy and nauses

i woke up this mornin very dizzy and nausiated, i stubled to the washroom, could not hold my balance so i went back to bed for a few hours then when i woke up i still have the same symptoms.

MS fears—crazy, or legit?

I've been a hypo in the past, so maybe I'm just insane. But–factually—for about a month now my left leg has felt very heavy. Draggish. Can still walk and all, but it's like a weight is on it. Plus, I wake up 80% of mornings with numbness in at least one of my hands.

Would you be concerned about MS?

dry, itchy, bleeding patches?

For the past month or so I've been getting very dry patches on my legs, and a few times on my arms, each about the size of a large pin head. These patches are very itchy and as soon as I scratch, the layer of dry skin comes off and they start bleeding a bit. I've researched eczema and psoriasis with no luck. Anyone heard of this?

feels like a fish?

sometimes i get this sensation in my chest close to my shoulder that feels like for few second like there's a fish flopping around in and under my skin .its kind of freaky!Iam a insulin diabetic , HBP, Asthma,Gastroparesis,gerd.Another thing is it seems more prevalent during damp ,or rainy days.

Prednisone Tapers and Side Effects

I have a chronic cough that the doctors just haven't been able to completely figure out. In the last 8 weeks, I've been on asthma meds, a couple antibiotics, cough suppressants and Prednisone. (I'm already being treated for acid reflux and allergies that are also common cough triggers.)

Unfortunately, I've been on Prednisone repeatedly over the years.

I was on my first go-round with Prednisone early in August for 5 days. It helped my breathing (for asthma), but did nothing for my cough.

I started a 16 day course of Prednisone Saturday morning. It is 3 20mg x 4 days, 2 20mg x 4 days, 1 20mg x 4 days, 1/2 20mg x 4 days. I'm taking my dosage in the morning with food.

I'm now 3 days into this dosage and I've been kind of "zoning out" most of the day. I also had difficulty sleeping on Saturday night. I didn't get anything accomplished the entire holiday weekend. When I read about the listed side-effects for the Prednisone, they list the insomnia and "mood changes", but I haven't been able to find anything about "zoning". Has anyone else had side effects like this when taking the higher dosages of Prednisone?

I'm really concerned about this because with all my constant coughing that has worn me out, I've been having enough trouble trying to pay full attention at work as it is. I really don't want to deal with the medication side effects as well.

I've never had a response like this to Prednisone before? Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome.

blood-borne diseases

how are blood-borne diseases transmitted?

i have t-shirt (flown from another country) and it has some reddish stain on it. i fear that it is blood, and worse of all, blood with HIV/AIDS virus or whatever blood-borne disease viruses. It seems kinda hard to wash it away. Still have little bit left.

If the blood stain has blood that is infected by maybe HIV or something, if i wear the t-shirt, will i be infected?

thanks. i have no common knowledge on such issue

white spots on face in summer but not any other seasons?? help!

ok this has been happening for about 3 years and i want it to stop. i've been to 3 doctors. the first one gave me some steroid cream. i used that for a year then i switched doctors and they told me the steriod cream was thinning my skin so i stopped using it. So then i switched doctors again and she said i had an allergy to the sun? ***? is that possible? the white spots only during the summer time and then they gradually go away when winter approaches. but i spend like equal amount of time in winter as i do in summer. i know for sure i dont have vitiligo, tinea versicolor, eczama, psoriasis , and that pityrisis stuff. the white spots are smooth not dry and not scaly and once summer passes my face is all the same color again. PLEASE HELP!!! is this really and allergy?? if so what can i doo?? sorry for being soooo long. thanks!

Painful Bulge On My Lower Abdomen

I have a bulge on my lower abdomen which is very painful. It is located below my bellybutton to the left. It is quite big and is only noticable when I stand up straight. It feels soft and when pressed in it slowly bulges back out to it's original shape again. It can be uncomfortable in every day life and only hurts whenever I do jolty excersizes such as running or jumping. It is a very harsh stabbing pain which prevents me from walking naturally and running in general. It is more visually noticable when it hurts than when it doesn't... when it doesn't hurt, all I can see is a line which looks like a vein. If I lay on my back and feel my belly, it feels very different from the right side of my abdomen - I noticed the right side is nice and smooth, whereas the side with the lump on it feels rough and unnatural. If I tense my abs, each side of my abdomen looks the same.

I first encountered this exact pain in the same place when I was about 13 years old during a P.E lesson and it still hurt when I excersized on rare occasions. I did to go the doctors about it back then and he couldn't feel anything. I am 18 now... the bulge only started to appear a few months ago and it hurts all the time when I excersise. I did go to the doctors again recently, but the unfortunately the buldge was not visible at this time and all he could see was the vein - I told him the possibility of it being a hernia and he was adamant that it wasn't. I am thinking of going back soon, but with the buldge being much more visible.

Health Information:

I am underweight, my BMI is 15.
I don't smoke or drink.
I had a hernia operation when I was 5.
My bellybutton is an outie.

I really need advice please!

This is really embarassing, but I have pin worms. Im a seventeen year old girl, and I am assuming I got them from my cat or something, because I have really good hygene. Ive tried countless cleanses and such but none seem to work. Im tired of feeling physically sick every single day, and feeling bad mentally and physically. But i am terrified to tell a doctor about this. Is there any way I can get a prescription without having to get tested? Like if I tell my doctor I have worms can they just give me the prescription, or will they have to see them or soemthing??The thought of having to do that kind of a test terrifies me. But Ive been avoiding going to the doctor for FAR too long... please help.

body heat

I have hot flashes from my neck up. Hair gets wet. Need to have cool air blow on me to get the temperature down. I am 66 yrs old. Hashimoto's disease, cabbage high blood pressure, diabetes. I have had this since I have the cabbage. Getting worse. No acitivity when it comes on.

Sick for almost 3 months.

Hi, around 3 months ago I caught a 24 hour gastric bug. Around 3 days after getting rid of the bug I started experiencing very bad shortness of breath and dizziness.

I went to see my GP who prescribed me with Amoxocillin and beta blockers. These did not help. I went back to see my GP who then told me to stop with the Amoxocilin and gave me Omeprazole (PPI) to take with the beta blockers.

Around a week later I had to go to hospital because my breathing got so bad. They checked my lungs and heart but everything was normal. I was the taken off the beta blockers but Continued with the Omeprazole. My breathing feels like it is now back to normal but my stomach doesn't.

I feel a constant pressure in my abdomen and pass gas alot more often. I also hear my stomach & intestines wooshing and gurgling quite often even if I'm not hungry. I also get cramps in the abdomen.

Also... I feel like I am not on this planet and find it hard to concentrate sometimes. And sometimes i feel bad nausea.

This week I have had a heliobacter test and am awaiting the results. The doctors don't seem to be too worried about this but the past 3 months have been driving me crazy.

Has anyone else been through anything like this or can you suggest anything else I should try.

Thanks for reading, sorry for the long post & my spelling.

Shoulder pain, cracking, popping - extends to neck and jaw

Hello everyone,

I am hoping you can help interpret an ongoing shoulder, neck, and jaw problem. Even if you cannot suggest a diagnosis, I would appreciate hearing about similar experiences and what techniques you have tried to alleviate the pain and cracking and popping noises. As a college anatomy instructor, it is ironic but all the more frustrating that I can’t figure out what is going on. :-(

I am 27, active, and otherwise healthy. For three years I have had chronic pain in my right shoulder, posterior and right lateral neck, left and right TMJ, and muscles of the entire face, including around the temples, eyes, and forehead. The pain is worst along the upper portion of the right trapezius, though the problem may not be the muscle itself but something else in that area.

My shoulder cracks and pops every time I move it. This occurs both when I move the humerus in any direction, and when I pull or push on the right shoulder blade with my left hand. The cracking does not seem to be from within the glenohumeral joint, but along the scapula itself. I have taken to “massaging” the trapezius and pulling and pushing on the shoulder blade what must be hundreds of times a day, because the constant pain makes me want to just tear off the entire area. The cracking and popping noises do not cause additional acute pain; rather, there is constant ache and burning in the area whether or not I have cracked the shoulder at that moment.

Another odd thing is that my trapezius area does not feel like a muscle. It seems incredibly hard, almost like cartilage. Pressing on that area is extremely painful.

Nearly every time I crack the shoulder there is a concurrent cracking in the TMJ. Often, massaging the trapezius area induces cracking along both the shoulder and the TMJ. I am also constantly pressing in to my temples and pulling up on the muscles around my eyes due to the pain, and sometimes this force causes the jaw to make a cracking sound as well.

The pain is constant, but if I extend my arm for long periods of time (such as when working with a computer mouse on a desk), there is also numbness radiating down the entire arm.

I asked the director of my school’s physical therapy program to look at the shoulder. She said nothing seemed misaligned and recommended doing rowing exercises to increase the strength of the rhomboids. She did not seem alarmed by the horrid cracking sounds and said they could just be due to snapping cartilage. She told me to practice rowing for a week and things should improve.

They did not.

I went to a professional massage therapist who is also the athletic director of one of the Big 10 University track and football teams. He attempted to find trigger points, but I did not experience any (perhaps because the background pain is always so strong that I would not notice anything less). His conclusion was pretty much the same as the other: nothing is wrong, I should do rowing exercises, and I should be sure to sleep on my back.

The chronic pain makes it difficult to fall asleep and makes me tired, irritable, and upset much of the time. I have put up with it for a few years but my quality of life is really suffering lately. Due to not having health insurance and due to having bad experiences with doctors in the past, I am hesitant to begin an expensive wild-goose-chase and am hoping someone here might be able to provide some guidance.

Here is some more information and speculation that may or may not be relevant in determining the cause:

- When I was a teenager I had a large overbite corrected by wearing an orthodontic appliance that forced my lower jaw to grow forward. Both jaws were also widened to make room for wisdom teeth. I wonder whether the excessive pressure and bone growth then could lead to jaw problems now. I wonder if TMJ disorder could cause pain and popping that seems like its origin is primarily in the shoulder?

- Both my left and right acromioclavicular joints seem enlarged. Despite being thin and having large bones, the AC joints still seem unusually prominent. (The left side seems larger than the right, though, and my left side does not usually hurt.) Although there is no pain in this joint, could some kind of AC misalignment cause problems in the rest of the shoulder?

Click image for larger version<br/><br/>Name:	anterior relaxed.JPG<br/>Views:	7<br/>Size:	42.7 KB<br/>ID:	204

- I have ruled out rounded shoulders. When standing in a relaxed position, as shown above, my arms do not overpronate, nor does my neck hunch particularly forward, as shown below.

Click image for larger version<br/><br/>Name:	lateral relaxed.JPG<br/>Views:	8<br/>Size:	28.5 KB<br/>ID:	205

- My posterior flexibility is limited with the right shoulder. I can reach much further across my back with my left arm than I can with the right arm. Although this stretch is not particularly painful, the limited flexibility is marked; this is as far as I could reach.

Click image for larger version<br/><br/>Name:	posterior stretch right.JPG<br/>Views:	7<br/>Size:	37.5 KB<br/>ID:	206

Well, that’s all I can think of to say right now! Please let me know if other details would be relevant. This constant pain is getting really unbearable, and I sincerely hope someone can offer at least a glimmer of hope toward resolving the mystery and ending this misery!

Random Pain in Lower Left Ribs

For the last 3-4 years, on and off i've been getting pains in my lower left ribs. Recently they have gotten really severe and it feels like i'm choking when i try to breath. I've been to the doctors and they keep giving me different answers and it's really worrying me. Does anyone else have or had this problem? Thanks.

Please someone try and help, wound question


I have a track record of having major ocd and picking at any little blemish that pops up on my face for the past year. Especially when I get anxious. Bottom line is, on Friday morning, I picked what started out as just "pimples" on my face (forehead), and now i have three or four open wounds from it I have healed from these before, but I always saw imprpovement 48 hours after. The sores still seem to be red, and the scab does not seem to be pulling together to heal the skin, they are just lying dormant or something :/ As of right now, its been 48 hours since the injuries occured. I am currently on Bactrim DS since Monday (to try and stop the acne before it got out of control), but I ended up destroying myself Beings I am on the Bactrim DS, and before that, I was taking Duricef (another antibiotic), I would belive that my wounds are not infected. I have been taking gentle baths twice a day to make sure the wounds are clean, and will be staying in for the next week to try and heal, but the lack of progress so far is scaring me alot. Please try and help if you can, thanks.

woke up dizzy and nauses

i woke up this mornin very dizzy and nausiated, i stubled to the washroom, could not hold my balance so i went back to bed for a few hours then when i woke up i still have the same symptoms.

MS fears—crazy, or legit?

I've been a hypo in the past, so maybe I'm just insane. But–factually—for about a month now my left leg has felt very heavy. Draggish. Can still walk and all, but it's like a weight is on it. Plus, I wake up 80% of mornings with numbness in at least one of my hands.

Would you be concerned about MS?

dry, itchy, bleeding patches?

For the past month or so I've been getting very dry patches on my legs, and a few times on my arms, each about the size of a large pin head. These patches are very itchy and as soon as I scratch, the layer of dry skin comes off and they start bleeding a bit. I've researched eczema and psoriasis with no luck. Anyone heard of this?

feels like a fish?

sometimes i get this sensation in my chest close to my shoulder that feels like for few second like there's a fish flopping around in and under my skin .its kind of freaky!Iam a insulin diabetic , HBP, Asthma,Gastroparesis,gerd.Another thing is it seems more prevalent during damp ,or rainy days.

Prednisone Tapers and Side Effects

I have a chronic cough that the doctors just haven't been able to completely figure out. In the last 8 weeks, I've been on asthma meds, a couple antibiotics, cough suppressants and Prednisone. (I'm already being treated for acid reflux and allergies that are also common cough triggers.)

Unfortunately, I've been on Prednisone repeatedly over the years.

I was on my first go-round with Prednisone early in August for 5 days. It helped my breathing (for asthma), but did nothing for my cough.

I started a 16 day course of Prednisone Saturday morning. It is 3 20mg x 4 days, 2 20mg x 4 days, 1 20mg x 4 days, 1/2 20mg x 4 days. I'm taking my dosage in the morning with food.

I'm now 3 days into this dosage and I've been kind of "zoning out" most of the day. I also had difficulty sleeping on Saturday night. I didn't get anything accomplished the entire holiday weekend. When I read about the listed side-effects for the Prednisone, they list the insomnia and "mood changes", but I haven't been able to find anything about "zoning". Has anyone else had side effects like this when taking the higher dosages of Prednisone?

I'm really concerned about this because with all my constant coughing that has worn me out, I've been having enough trouble trying to pay full attention at work as it is. I really don't want to deal with the medication side effects as well.

I've never had a response like this to Prednisone before? Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome.

blood-borne diseases

how are blood-borne diseases transmitted?

i have t-shirt (flown from another country) and it has some reddish stain on it. i fear that it is blood, and worse of all, blood with HIV/AIDS virus or whatever blood-borne disease viruses. It seems kinda hard to wash it away. Still have little bit left.

If the blood stain has blood that is infected by maybe HIV or something, if i wear the t-shirt, will i be infected?

thanks. i have no common knowledge on such issue

white spots on face in summer but not any other seasons?? help!

ok this has been happening for about 3 years and i want it to stop. i've been to 3 doctors. the first one gave me some steroid cream. i used that for a year then i switched doctors and they told me the steriod cream was thinning my skin so i stopped using it. So then i switched doctors again and she said i had an allergy to the sun? ***? is that possible? the white spots only during the summer time and then they gradually go away when winter approaches. but i spend like equal amount of time in winter as i do in summer. i know for sure i dont have vitiligo, tinea versicolor, eczama, psoriasis , and that pityrisis stuff. the white spots are smooth not dry and not scaly and once summer passes my face is all the same color again. PLEASE HELP!!! is this really and allergy?? if so what can i doo?? sorry for being soooo long. thanks!

Painful Bulge On My Lower Abdomen

I have a bulge on my lower abdomen which is very painful. It is located below my bellybutton to the left. It is quite big and is only noticable when I stand up straight. It feels soft and when pressed in it slowly bulges back out to it's original shape again. It can be uncomfortable in every day life and only hurts whenever I do jolty excersizes such as running or jumping. It is a very harsh stabbing pain which prevents me from walking naturally and running in general. It is more visually noticable when it hurts than when it doesn't... when it doesn't hurt, all I can see is a line which looks like a vein. If I lay on my back and feel my belly, it feels very different from the right side of my abdomen - I noticed the right side is nice and smooth, whereas the side with the lump on it feels rough and unnatural. If I tense my abs, each side of my abdomen looks the same.

I first encountered this exact pain in the same place when I was about 13 years old during a P.E lesson and it still hurt when I excersized on rare occasions. I did to go the doctors about it back then and he couldn't feel anything. I am 18 now... the bulge only started to appear a few months ago and it hurts all the time when I excersise. I did go to the doctors again recently, but the unfortunately the buldge was not visible at this time and all he could see was the vein - I told him the possibility of it being a hernia and he was adamant that it wasn't. I am thinking of going back soon, but with the buldge being much more visible.

Health Information:

I am underweight, my BMI is 15.
I don't smoke or drink.
I had a hernia operation when I was 5.
My bellybutton is an outie.

biocellular analysis

A friend of mine sent her saliva and urine sample to a lab for a cellular analysis for 150$, can anybody tell me if this is another scam like the colon detoxification process? If so, any reputable institution that can refute thier claims? Thanks.

A skeptic at heart.

Possibly a pinched nerve?

Last Thursday morning I awoke with severe pain near the shoulder blade. I went friday for a massage. it hurt like hell and the woman said it was a muscle strain. she said "dont baby it. keep doing what your doing so it stretches out."

this week on Monday I went to the dr as the pain made sure I only slept 5 hours total between that thursday and the following monday. he said it is a pinched nerve. ice and heat, try acupuncture, and only certain exercises.

Tuesday I got acupunture done. so far no relief. she recommended a cortisone shot. I got that yesterday. Still no relief.

I have permission to continue playing hockey and working out using the elliptical but the pain wont go away. During my work outs and hockey the pain is gone. feels 90% better. but then when I site down for a bit or I am riding in the car it acts up, my forearm gets dull and achy and I get tingling in my left index finger.

I have tried a muscle relaxer I was prescribed, anti inflammatory meds, hot showers, hot baths, epsom salt baths. I am sleeping better but I wake up and the pain is unbreable until I get moving around.

Can any one give me any more advice or tell me how long this should last? I have gotten similar symptoms before but they always lasted 3-4 days and that was it.

Could my Girlfriend be pregnant?

On the weekend we had unprotected sex 6 times.
I did not *** inside of her and her period was due 4 days after we had sex.
We did not obtain an ECP (emergency contraception pill) although I told her she should.
We are being very mature about this and we just need some advice on what we should do. It has been 3 days since we had sex this morning at 3 am.
Thanks heaps.

Worried about my symptoms

Hello I was wondering whether you would be able to help me. Over the past week I've been experiencing a nubbier of symptoms and am worried as to what is wrong with me. Last Tuesday/Wednesday I began getting aches in the backs of my thighs, which at the time I attributed to sitting for long periods in uncomfortable/hard chairs that week. By Thursday the aches began getting worse and by Friday I began getting aches and discomfort in the hips, between the thighs and behind the testicles as well as feeling tired and having stomach ache.

I went to an our of hours clinic on Saturday where the doctor checked my heart beat, blood pressure, temperature, made me take a urine test and felt around my stomach and said because of the range of symptoms it is most likely a virus. He suggested paracetamol and rest. The next day I was feeling a little better, the stomach ache wasn't as bad and my back etc. where not as aggravating. However since Monday I've been feeling pretty under the weather. I continue to get aches in my hips, legs, knees, back, deep in then bottom cheeks, bottom of the spine and behind the testicles (I've had a feel of them and can't find anything abnormal) as well as mild stomach ache, headaches and a loss of appetite.

The aches in my hips and back are fine when I go to bed (after hot baths) but as the day goes on they get worse. Being a hypochondriac I am scared I have cancer. Would anyone be able to shed any light on this?

Tired and cold all the time

I'm a 38 year old female 5'8" 155 pounds. I am cold I mean really cold and tired all the time. I have migraines. I can't concentrate or think clearly any more. My heart rate is 58 bpm. My normal temp is 97 degrees. I have very dry skin and I drink lots of water as I stay thirsty all day and night. My neck and shoulder muscles ache alot. The last 4 months I have been very bloated and gained 15 pounds. I walk 3 miles a day so I get a fair amount of exercise a day. I eat healthy, lots of fruits and veggies and no sugars. I've been tested for thyroid and diabetes two years ago and the tests were negative but things keep getting worse and now I have heart pains. Doctor says its depression....Life has its ups and downs but I don't feel depressed but if things don't get better I think I might. Please help!!!

Confusing Urinalysis Results

I just had a recent urinalysis report come in, and here are the results:

Color: yellow
Appearance: Clear
SP Gravity: 1.015 normal
PH: 5 normal
Leukocytes: Neg
Nitrite: Neg
Protein: Neg
Clucose: Norm
Acetone: Neg
Urobilinog: Norm
Bilirubin: Neg
Blood: Neg
WBC: 8-12
RBC: 0
Epithelial: 0
Bacteria: 0

Observations: No growth after 2 days incubation.

I am concerned about the WBC being so high. The chem test comes up negative for WBC, but the microbiology shows 8-12.

No Leukocytes detected in the chem-strip, but WBCs found under the scope? What could this mean?

No change in urination, no burning, no decrease in pressure, etc..

Could this be a sign of bladder cancer, or any other deadly processes?

I initially visited the urologist(s) because a ct scan had shown the following:

1) Mild urinary bladder wall thickening anteriorly. Clinical correlation should be made for cystitis.
2) No inguinal hernia or lymphadenopathy in the inguinal region.
3) Mild disc protrusions in the lower lumbar spine.

My urologists (two of them, seeing a third tomorrow) do not believe anything is wrong with me, however, this recent urinalysis shows WBC being 8-12.


Ask help

Recently I found my nails are lacklustre . Who can tell me what's wrong?
And how should i do?

Flonase question

My doctor prescribed this for--interestingly enough--clogged up ears. He said the eustachian tube could be causing the problem. But is it also helpful for blocked sinuses?

I will be using the generic for a short time to see if it helps either problem. Does anyone have any experience using either namebrand or generic Flonase?

Hoping for any insight,

Elbow cracking/tight sensation

Hey guys! I am have having problems with my elbow on my right arm. I believe its because of the accident i had awhile back. Or maybe because i use the computer to much? But Anyways, About 1 year (or longer) i was riding my bike with a few friends and i hit the back of my friends tyre and fell. I forgot how i landed but my whole right arm was in a heap of pain and i couldn't move it. I went to the doctors the next day and got a x-ray scan and the doctor told me that nothing seemed broken and it seemed fine. So he just gave me a sling to wear and i wore that for a few weeks. After wearing for a few weeks it all seemed well and i just got on with my life.

But... every now and then i started to experience like a tight sensation in the elbow area whenever i did something physical. It doesn't happen all the time just sometimes. I can do certain exercise like chin ups or push ups and it feels fine but then sometimes when i lift something i can feel a tight sensation like a rubber band being extended feeling. It kinda makes my elbow feel weak. Anyone know why this happens?

The other problem that happens is my elbow cracks every now and then.
An example is when i do dumbbells, i start of fine then i begin to feel a slight discomfort in the elbow area and once it cracks it feels normal and i can go on and continue doing it. Other times it can happen when i extend my arm straight or just randomly.
Also, there is no pain when it cracks. I believe this could be from the accident i had with the bike.
Anybody know what could be the issue? Or how i can fix it?


Nausea,Burping,Pain under right rib

I have had almost constant nausea and intermittant nausea along with pain under my right rib for about 10 days now. It seems that nothing I eat really settles like it should. I have been taking 2 kinds of acid blockers but it doesnt seem to help much. Was wondering if anyone has had similar symptoms and if they found any help for them.

Best place to live for old people

I'm in Oklahoma City OK and am thinking of going to Augusta ME. I'm 63 years old so I'm wondering which place might be best for my all around health?

Blood Test Results

My WBC is 3.3; Hemogloblin 10.9; MCH 26.5; MCHC 31.7; RDW 15.3; Monocytes 16 H What does this all mean?

Black/ Red Dots/Sores in mouth

21 yr old male, active, under stress frequently. I have two black/dark red dots on the inside of my left cheek. One is only visible in the picture. The second dot is smaller. both dots are on a swollen mass of tissue. I know I chew these insides of my cheeks on both sides but I've never gotten these dots before. I've seen others online say they are likely blood blisters but they aren't really " blisters " and are too tiny. I just found them last night. Also, I chew tobacco on this same side of my mouth so I am worried. Maybe someone could give me more info based in the picture. I also have cavities near so it could be an amalgam. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Also, the visible sore almost caves in like an ulcer. slightly.

Hip Pain

Hello guys/ladies.

just thought i'd try and get help on a medical forum before i go on holiday next month.

the problem is i have had problems since birth with hips that are not fully developed , one leg bigger than the other and something similar to perthes disease (muscle wasting). so my legs are pretty thin.

thing is i have been getting ALOT of pain and discomfort around my left hip (my smaller leg) for a long time now , and was just wondering if anyone knew any medicine or anything like it that could take the edge off a little when going abroad because i would like to do a little bit more walking than usual and actually get to sight visit.

I am due to go in to hospital for a hip replacement sometime next year.

p.s i am only 23 so you can imagine why i'd like to still go abroad and walk around and stuff. just very irritating.



thumb stiff/weak/injury


1. A bell from my ice cream cart hit my thumb a couple of weeks ago (8/16)

2. I thought it was just a bruise bone but nothing serious. It's in the metacarpal joint area. I put ice on it everyday. Until...

3. I started moving and jerking it around like two weeks later to see if it was fully healed (9/2)

4. The next day at work it felt stiff and was hurting (9/3)

5. It was still stiff and hurting and feeling stiff/weak for a couple of days until I put a ACE thumb immobilizer on it (9/7)

I'm planning on keeping this thumb immobilizer on for six weeks and then relaxing for another six weeks. I CAN'T see a doctor so I don't know how serious this is or what's the right thing to do.

Should I wear it all the time? In the shower?

This injury has had me worried. I don't want to lose my guitar hobby.

Please help. What's the best way to treat my thumb?


My arm has a mind of it's own!

I am a 15 year old girl and my school gets out at 2:45 pm. On my way home from school I was walking home, at about 3:00, all of a sudden my left arm below my elbow starts shaking (Jerking to the left) and even if I use all my willpower I can't stop it. The only time it stops if if I move my arm. My right arm is perfectly fine.It's kinda freaking my out and it's getting annoying. My arm is getting tired and of course I have undiagnosed insommnia, well I can never fall asleep in MY room but since I can't sleep I can't escape my arm. I have no clue what's wrong but I feel like my left arm has a mind of it's own!

I have no clue if this has anything to do with it but also when I walk my left arm doesn't swing unless I try really hard to make it swing.

FL Law - is it OK to leave bedridden patient alone in house?

Hi all,

I've got a quick question that I'd like to try to get an answer to before I contact authorities. A friend has advanced MS and cannot transfer in or out of bed by himself. To save money he's decided to not have a care professional overnight. I've heared that there's some sort of law against this since he cannot get out of the house in case of a fire. He lives alone.

Without doing to the authorities, can someone help tell me if he's endangering himself legally?

I have too much energy; can i stop / reduce this?

My energy levels have always been really high, but where I’ve put up with it in the past, I’ve got sick of it because it is really annoying, embarrassing and lots of hassle. I’m hoping there is something I can do to stop it, or if not reduce it, preferably by food or drinks or vitamin or similar pills, but not with tranquilisers.

When I sit down my legs have move up and down really fast and the more I eat the worse it gets. When I eat I get even more hectic and the more I eat the more hectic I get, having to move my fingers aswell. This is very embarrassing in restaurants, because I don’t move as much as I need to and can’t eat a big or 3 course meal, because if I don’t move enough I get too hectic and slow down and stop eating because I can’t. I only ever have one course in a restaurant because I can’t eat any more without getting too hectic and feeling stupid.

I can’t get too sleep without drumming my fingers for a bit, no matter how tired I am. When I work my legs go up and down even when I am typing fast. When I drink a drink my legs still move really fast.

Thanks ever so much for anyone’s help.

Diagnosed with glandular fever

I have been ill for jst over 6 weeks now in which a blood test revealed two weeks ago is glandular fever. Has anyone else on here experienced this illness and if so how long did it last?
And also if your blood test comes back positive for glandular fever, is there any way it could be wrong?
Just so worried about this, i used to do weights and be very active before i came down with this, now im just a paranoid wreck with all sorts running through my mind. Would like to hear from people who have or have had this and the kind of symptoms they suffered from.



Why is it people have trouble remembering?

cant figure it out?

when im sitting in a chair my upper right rib area starts to hurt and i go lay down and it goes away, and sometimes i feel a fluttery feeling in my left armpit area, I had my gb takin out 5 mos ago and healling from that, im an insulin diabetic w/ high blood pressure and gastroparesis.

Pea sized lump in lower abdomen...

Hi, I just noticed I have a pea sized lump under my skin in the lower right abdomen. It's around 2cm under my belly button and 2cm to the right.
Any ideas what it could be?

blood testing before mri

Why would my employer want me to have a blood test before i have an mri of my right arm and shoulder?



I am an 18 year old male, and have IBS. In the last couple of months, I had noticed two lumps under my chest area. They look like a two pac, but I still like have a belly so it cant be muscle I don't think?

I am worried about this, after having stomach problems for this long, blood tests done then Doctors just says its IBS, I fear this could be to do with it? Doctor seen it and didnt say anything, maybe it is just a 2 Pac?

how to control pulse rate

hi am 23 year old girl and my pulse rate is always above 100.

Constant Pain In Ribs

I currently do not have health insurance so I'm trying to figure out if what's wrong with me might be worth going to the ER for...About 4 years ago I started having mild pain in my left chest area & went into the ER. They did EKG & Chest X-Ray & everything was normal. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure which is controlled with medication. A few months later I had a stress test which was normal. The pain has come & gone since then sometimes not bad at all & sometimes worse. I also have panic attacks which makes the pain seem worse then it is. I either seem to not notice the symptoms while taking my anti-anxiety medication (Klonopin) or I do not have them. A couple years ago I also started having a pain in my upper rib cage area (both sides), but it has been really infrequent & seemed unrelated until recently. I had a baby about 9 months ago & during my pregnancy the pain was not present, but I was also on Buspar for anxiety. About 4 months ago I had another normal EKG & chest x-ray. Lately the pain in my chest area (under my left breast & arm & sometimes my left wrist) has gotten worse. Last night I was up almost all night with the pain in my chest area & felt as if I was having a panic attack & stomach upset. I felt better this morning, but still not quite right. Everything was well until about mid-day & then I got the pain in my ribcage as well. Normally the pain in my ribs doesn't last long at all, but I have had it for about 6 hours now & am really concerned. The chest/arm pain is still there, but I can't really feel it because of the pain in my ribs. I don't know if this is merely panic related or if it is some kind of heart problem or if maybe it's a stomach ulcer or something else...It seems to strange & unrelated to be anxiety & if I have had normal EKG, chest x-rays & stress test could it still be my heart? I am only 27 years old.

Swollen lymph node under jaw & tongue pain

Four times in the past six months I have woken up in the morning with my right lymph node under my jaw swollen to about 3-4 times it's actual size. Also, i have a stinging pain in the back-right side of my tongue & when I swallow I can feel the lymph node in my throat (it is painful). After rubbing the swollen spot on the right of my neck, it calms down and returns to normal size & doesn't hurt anymore. The whole ordeal from the time I wake up only lasts about 10 minutes, before it's "normal" again.

Anyone with something similar? If I could afford to see a doctor and have the appropriate tests run I wouldn't be here asking questions, so please don't refer me to one

Low Potassium

My Potassium Levels are 2.8, how bad is that?

C-Reactive Protein of 6.99?

What does it mean? My doctor just said it's something to watch but I don't really understand. Normal is 0.00-0.30? I'm scared. I'm only 25...

Pilonidal Cyst/Abscess

I'm currently going though the same thing (you can find my thread Pilonidal recurrance 10 years later on the general health boards)

I found my recurrance over the weekend and have no health insurance. I'm trying to do all my research before i break down and make a dr appt (esp because I'm a full time student who works two jobs)

If it is a full blown recurrance, you def need to go to the doctor. They may be able to drain it in the office under a local, but if it does not go away, a surgical proceedure may need to be done.

Good luck

Pilonidal Recurrance -10 years later

A quick history...
10 years ago I had my first operation for a pilonidal cyst. It was horrible. I had a lot of sinus tracks and the surgeon had to cut almost the entire way down my butt crack, 4 inches deep, and about 3 inches wide to remove it all. I was then stitched and took a month off to heal (I was only 14 at the time). Three months later, I had my second surgery for it, as it was not healing and they found more tracks. Three months after that... another. A total of 3 pilonidal operations within 9 months during my freshman year of HS. The last two surgeries I was left open to heal, and the very last one I was packed with nugauze that had been soaked in iodaform. A year later, I was finialy completely closed and healed. I really had a difficult road. It took so long to heal and I was in pain all the time. I walked around with an open wound that you could literally fit your fist in.

A few years ago I had a scare with it again. I felt a stinging pain in my rear and my mom checked and said she saw a hole, much like the first one. It never bled or drained anything, it was just a hole. So we went to the Dr again and she cleaned it, gave me some Augmentin to help, and it was fine within a week.

For the past month or so, I've had some stinging if I sit too long or when I was washing in the shower. Two days ago, as I was dryiing after my shower, I noticed blood on my towel. I had my mom check for me, and sure enough, a hole. Bleeding. Not a lot, but there was blood.

So for these past few days I have been doing my old regime. Cleaning 3x's a day with hydrogen peroxide, covering it with gauze, and keeping it as clean as possible.

Even though it is a small hole... I know this pain. I know this feeling. Although it was ten years ago, I remember it like it was yesterday. This feels EXACTLY like it.

I currently do not have health insurance, but I'm going to call my surgeon today to at least get some advice.

See, I though I was always very educated about it. So I've been sitting in school googling and found some great articles down on pilonidal in the past few years. Apparently a lot has changed since my experience.

Anyone out there have any experience with recurrant Pilonidal cysts? How did they treat it? Surgery? Please respond...

BP too low? Knee injury? Confused by physical...

I am a healthy 26 year old female. I am 150 lbs and 5ft 5 in and according to my doctor "on the top end of bone width for females" with very high muscle mass. I have been exercising regulary (cross training, resistance, cardio) for the last two years and have recently started running regularly (used to be a running machine in HS and college, never any injuries or problems). I gave birth to a baby 2 years ago and had a critical drop in blood pressure during his birth due to his compression of the vena cava.

My resting BP this morning was 88/62 (no coffee yet, but TONS of water) and my heart rate was pretty low too. The nurse seemed very concerned and called the doctor in, the doc said it was fine for somebody who exercises regularly. I've researched a little online, and it still seems low. Does anybody else have this low blood pressure? Have you had any probelms with it or has it concerned your med. professional?

I also was told I have a very small tear on my meniscus with slight inward McMurtry's (the name for the popping sound, I'm told) and that I could continue to run lightly on a padded track unless I felt a more severe pain/popping. I'm new to running, so I'm a little confused as to why this happened and if I should really take her up and continue running.

My knees are my livelyhood right now, I teach the crosstraining class that I do and am teaching a "couch to 10K" program right now, so I don't want to take this lightly.

Thanks for any input any of you may have!

Weird feeling/numbness from left pectoral muscle down inside of left arm into palm?

This all started a little over 4 months ago. I was picking up a heavy, glass vase at work and it shattered, cutting both my thumbs symmetrically. I had to get 4 stitches in my left thumb and 6 in my right. I immediately could do almost nothing because you need your thumbs for even the simplest everyday tasks.

While my thumbs have healed well (No tendons or nerves were cut and I regained full motion and strength), I haven’t felt entirely normal since and it’s really getting to me. I feel like this work accident has taken something precious away from me, and I just want it back. I want to feel normal again.

The main symptoms I have are:

- Weird feeling/numbness from my left pectoral muscle down the inside of my left arm and into my palm, the right side of my lower left palm almost feels like I scraped it on asphalt.

- Waking up at night with tingling in both hands (usually pinky and ring fingers), goes away after a few seconds

- Muscles get tense and painful when sitting for long periods of time (at the movies, while driving, Church)

- My limbs and extremities seem to fall asleep easier now, and my shoulders have started popping occasionally (usually in bed)

These symptoms are pretty consistent. I just want to enjoy driving again, sit through a movie without thinking about my body, regular everyday stuff.

I’ve visited several doctors, had weeks of physical therapy, an EMG from my neck down my left arm (was normal), an MRI of my cervical spine (everything was normal, except for a cyst I had on my upper back/left side), and I had that cyst removed recently because of the possibility that it could be the cause of the symptoms.

I hope and pray that the symptoms go away now. I feel like I’ve tried almost everything. I just want to feel normal and healthy again. If anyone has had similar experiences or has any productive insight, I’d love to hear from you. Thanks.

Which hand do you wear watch on? Left supposed to be bad for you?

To qoute an article:

"If you’re right-handed, you probably wear a watch on your left wrist. You might consider switching, however, when you consider the impact that your watch’s battery can have on the health of your heart meridian and, ultimately, on your heart."

"A watch’s mechanical motion is mildly disruptive, but watch batteries, with their intense electromagnetic charges, can be very hazardous to the steady flow of energy in a meridian - especially for people whose hearts are weak or who know they are at risk for a heart attack or other circulatory problems."

"If you absolutely must wear a battery-operated watch, wear it on your right wrist".

What do people think of this chinese meridian medicine? Is it a myth or false?

Bruise after dog bite

A dog bit me in February 2010 (5 months ago)and the skin was broken but there was no need for stitches. I went to the doctor for a tetanus injection but he did'nt give me any antibiotics. After 4 months the bruising did'nt clear up and was still hurting so I went back to the doctor and he gave me a double dose penicillin which helped for a while but it is starts hurting again thought it is not as red as it was before. Is this normal or do I have to take more antibiotics to clear it up and will the bruise ever go away? The dog does not have rabies but I don't know about his other medical history.


A month ago I was bit (very small bite on the thumb and hand) by my friends dog. It showed no signs of being rabid, however, his dog had a fairly large open wound which she would constantly lick. I am worried that rabies might have been transmitted from her wound to me by her licking and biting me? Is this even possible? My friend took his dog to the vet and it was tested negative for rabies but I am still worried that rabies could have been transmitted to me via the dogs open wound (which came from an unknown source). Am I obsessing?

strep throat

I would like to know if there is a length of time that an object touched by someone with strep throat is still contagious. The object cannot be washed or cleaned. When is it safe for another child to touch it again?


Got a CAT scan and am nervous of radiation

I had a scare over the weekend that had the doctors at the ER concerned that I was either having a problem with my heart or possibly a blood clot in my lung. I got a chest x-ray and a CAT scan as two of the tests (the other tests were EKG, blood and urine testing). I know that CAT scans contain high doses of radiation. Is there anything I can do to mitigate my exposure after the fact? Dietary changes, etc.? Supplements?


I have a rash like area on my thigh on either side of my scrotom. And also symetrical swollen lines on both side of my face. What could these be?

backbone pain

I have been suffering from backbone last three years .my age is 18 it become more painful .when i sit down

Underarm + Arm Symptoms

Hey guys, wasn't too sure where to put this.

For a little while now, i've noticed my underarm and top left of my chest feels slightly swollen and tight. My left arm has also become tight or weak along with this feeling. I checked for lumps but can't notice anything and it's noticeable at all times, mostly when lying on that side (left). I do have a slightly stiff neck sometimes because i need to use the computer alot, would this factor in? I may have this checked but i'm unsure if it could just be a muscle thing, or a lead from my neck stiffness. Any info is appreciated.


Head Symptoms

Hi, everyone. I was wondering if you could shed some light on what's going on here.

Starting over a month ago, I started having ear pains (not earaches that last awhile, just ear pains). I went to the doctor and they didn't see any infection. Then the ear pains started causing general head pains and headaches.

Then, about 6 days ago, I started to get a pressing/numbing and sometimes tingling feeling in a small area of the right side of my head-- between my ear and my temple. This has since spread a little to the right edge of my right eye socket, where it tends to tingle, and it's spread upward a little.

A few days ago, I started to get some tingling on the left side of my face (a little in my cheek and a little in my temple).

I still have the headaches and head pains-- the ear pains have subsided.

Finally, if I exert myself or if I laugh alot, I'll get pain in the back left and back right of my head, right above where my head meets my neck.

So-- should these things be red flags?

Sharp shooting pain from rib to knee?

This is a new one. I'm used to dealing with pain, but this was just...intense. I was lying in bed watching tv, and I got a sudden, sharp shooting pain from the right side of my ribcage down to my right knee. Or really, it may have started in my knee. Can't say for sure. After the initial shock the pain radiated for about 30 seconds. Anyone ever experience this and/or know of possible reasons? I did some googling and came up dry. Arthritis runs in my family and I'm 20 years old. I haven't had any injuries to either area. Anything else you'd need to know, just ask. Thanks!

Question Regarding Some Marks.

Hello everyone,

I am a 21 year old male who recently has put on alot of weight really fast. I have put on nearly 40 pounds in 7 months and have gotten a TON of stretch marks. There are alot on my stomache and my chest, some near my groin and legs.

I had a question about some marks on my back. They are near my left shoulder ad appear to be very faint but noticeable marks. They are longer than the ones on my abdomen and there are 3 of them running diagonally and horizontally.

Should this be of concern? I am going to my doctor on monday but just wanted a peace of mind.

Does Blood dry a bright red or a darker red?

My sister wanted to know if what color blood dries...a more darker red or a bright red? She saw a Mark on her new dishwasher and said it was bright red and thought it was blood and I thought blood dried a more darker color...who's right? Thanks!

Alcohol and it's effect on the brain and general health?

f you only consume a small amount will alcohol still damage the brain? Say, pouring wine into bolognese? If I am going out on nights out but only having the odd pint or shot, how will this affect me? I am sporty so I would rather be at optimum health.

Would the lost brain cells, if you can lose brain cells through alcohol, regenerate? Would the alcohol in bolognese vaporise through cooking?

Furthermore. Is it true that if you drink alcohol your brain becomes dependent of it.

What kind of shoulder injury might I have?

Hey everyone. For over a month now, I have had a shoulder injury from repeated shrugging of my shoulders which was caused by a medicine. Apparently I had a rare reaction to Zoloft which caused me to repeatedly and involuntarily shrug my shoulders. This has resulted in an injury to my right shoulder. It hurts in my arm pit, on the top of my shoulder, on the top of my arm, and behind my shoulder blade. Also, sometimes the pain shoots down to my elbow. I don't really have any difficulty in raising my arm above my head. However, putting pressure on my arm causes immense pain and so does various movements. What might be the problem?

vitamin D deficiency and other issues

A few weeks ago my GYN sent me for blood work and told me I had a vietamin D deficiency. She wrote a rx for "50,000 IU caps" to be taken once per week for 8 weeks. I will have my blood tested again at the end of the 8 week period.
Any idea of what will be done if I still have a deficiency at the end of 8 weeks?
Do you think they will send me for a different type of test, if so what would it be?
I really have not been happy with my GYN during this past visit. Nurse and office staff are difficult to deal with and border on being rude. The GYN has also changed and does not seem to be as willing to "listen" as she has in the past. If I need additional testing would it be inappropriate for me to follow up with my Primary? (copies of all blood work are also sent to his office). Is it my choice or am I required to continue seeing the GYN for this issues since she scheduled the original blood work?

Muscle injury question.

I have injured my right leg. I believe it's the quadricep. It happened a few weeks ago. I went through icing it down for a few days and then using a heating pad on it for a few days. Also took motrin and did some stretching. Seemed better for about a week so I went on a light jog. No pain. Two days later I tried to do some faster running/sprinting and it took about 5 steps before it started hurting again. So I feel like I am back to square one. Maybe I just didn't give it enough time.

Is this just something that will take more time or is there anything I can do to expedite the healing?
When it originally happened I called my Dr. and she prescribed me some muscle relaxers but I felt like crap when I took one. Should I tough it out and take them again? Do they help heal the injury or just help with pain?

Any advice?

Throat Chock

How do solve my throat Chock ( Voice Chock)
Since 2 months back i was sing well, but, now i can not sing well, due to Throat Chock, please help me.

Durga Pooja is comming now, in the month of Oct'2010 (12th to 17th), a lot of programmes are there, how can i sing well.


Can you be obese and have low blood pressure?

I'm a teen who is obese, but my blood pressure is 80/60. She checked it twice. :/ Is she wrong or is that possible?

painful lump

I have a painful lump just near my belly button that is at times so painful and causes frequent passing of stools. The lump seems to come and go. What is it?

Electrifying body-wide shock while running

So I've been training distance running; I'm at about 5.5-6 miles 3 times a week now. Last weekend I did a 10k. I had a fairly quick pace for most of the race, with 1.5 miles left I started running much harder (6:30 pace) and with about .33 miles left I went to full on sprint. at around .2 miles left I felt my body slowly start to tingle and then all of a sudden I had a huge tingle shoot through my entire body, almost like a light electric shock. I've never experienced this while running or pushing myself (I play soccer, ultimate frisbee, and I mountain bike).

I'm simply wondering what this could be caused by, if it's a sign of anything, and if it's bad.

Since the race, I haven't noticed anythign strange.


Needing to Pee Every few hours

I am a 20 y/o male and I've noticed since last year that I've needed to go to the bathroom almost every 2 hours to pee. I looked up the symptoms for Prostate Cancer online and my symptoms doesn't seem to match entirely since I have no burning pain when I pee. However, the frequency of bathroom visits has increased this year. It has gotten to the point that I sometimes can't fall alseep for about an hour because I feel like my bladder is still full even after going right from the bathroom. Should I see my doctor about this?

Body sensitive to Medicines

For some reason, in the pass year or so, my body has became very sensitive to medicines. I was wondering am I the only one? or is there something wrong with me?

A quick history of myself. I have Ankylosing spondylitis and Rheumatoid Arthritis for years. I have to say, I must have been on every medication out there that is made for Arthritis. over the years, I had been on so many different kids of NSAIDs including Vioxx and Bextra which had already been taken off the market now. alone with many steroids and pain killers such as Vicodin. In the pass few years, I had been getting a infusion (TNF). for the last 4 to 5 years, I thought I was in heaven. it had been the best medicine ever. one infusion eve 6 weeks, I was in no pain what so ever. Very expensive. Long story short, I lost my job, insurance ran out, it took month before I got back to purchasing my own insurance. I was out of the infusion for 5 months, finally got back to it, Remicade only lasted for 2 weeks, than all my pain and more came back. it seems as all the pain from many years ago decided to all come out at the same time. my arthritis flare up extremely bad. I had been working with my doctors to get better pain control, but my body was not responding to the medicine which work fine for me in the pass or should I say I had problems taken the meds. Doctor told me to take come Vicodin in the mean time, I was taken up to 2 pills per day years ago, but I took just a quarter of a pill, my heart was pounding, I was sweating, cold sweat, than hot sweat, nausea and dizzy. Celebrex, also made me felt the same, even worst, flexeril, a mussel relaxer at the lowest dose made me drowsy for days, the doctor said I was the 10% who reacts to it. also, I was given some other medicine which give me some chest discomfort and short of breath. I'm only 37 years old, I was wondering has anyone or does anyone have any of the similar reaction to medicine when at one time was not a problem at all? could there be something wrong with my own body? Any suggestion would help, thank you very much.

Knee Pain

i had major knee surgery 15 yrs ago. I tore my ACL. I have had off and on pain over the years. Tylenol advil motrin do not work when it flares up. Tylenol 3 makes me sick. I have an appt with my dr on Tuesday. Would it be wrong to ask him for Percocet? This is the only medication that seems to work on my chronic condition.

any thoughts? thanks

Positive skin TB Test/Negative X-Rays

I just got a TB test done, and my skin TB Test came out positive and I got chest x-rays done and they were normal/negative. My doctor just put me to a 9 months treatment medication. If my x-rays were negative why should i be treated for long 9 months? I have been reading articles with people in the same situation as me; and most of them don't say good things about the medicine. Should i go to get re-checked?

thank you,

Please help!!!! i'm going insane here!!

Hello all, i am going insane trying to figure out what is wrong with me, and waiting for my referal letter to the hospital is taking too long!
for about 4 months now i have been having aching pains in my right leg (these are hard to describe) to the point where i can not sleep.. they are ever so painful, sometimes my leg swells and sometimes it goes a different colour, the pain is just getting worse and pain killers do nothing. sigh!
recently i have began to feel tired all the time, i am ever so bloated and have excessive wind. i have also had 3 periods in the last 5-6 weeks and i bleed after sexual intercourse (which is painful). and so like you do, i put all the symptoms in the internet and the first thing that comes up is ovarian cancer so i'm now bewildered on what i do from here, and yes i know i could be worrying over nothing. i feel like going to A&E department because i cant cope with pain any longer but i feel that it would be a waste of journey as they will say i have to wait for my referal letter for my scan, so what shall i do?
can anyone help me, or has had the same or similar situation..? any help/advice will be much appreciated. thank you in advance. i also forgot to mention that i have abdominal pain in the lower left hand side.. thanks once again .

Rabies Exposure Worries...

So my girlfriend works for a veterinary office and a puppy came in that was eventually diagnosed as rabies, euthanized, and tested with positive results.

They found this out a week after it left her clinic so they have all been told to get the shots. Which she has. Nobody was bitten, but my girlfriend checked its gums so touched a very small amount of saliva.

Will she be ok with the shots? It worries me.

I also have a fear what if she brought the virus home on her hand and if we touched? Is that possible? She says she washes her hands TONS of times a day at work, does that kill the virus?

Why have I lost my appetite for meat?

It use to be just beef for a few years but now it's all meat. I can still stomach salamon.

Is there some medical condition that would cause that?
I do have GERD and mild Gastroparesis. I have these conditions for quite a few years though. I take Prilosec 2x a day for it.

This has just gradually come on. I have to gag down a few ounces just to get some protein down.

Anybody ever heard of that?

Tingling throat

Hi there, Ok, I have this tingling in my throat and my tongue etc. It's like pins and needles and it came on one day while at work. It was a pretty big deal to me anyway....all of a sudden I felt this horrible pickly feeling in my throat on both sides. Then - for the past two weeks it has continued. I find I keep my tongue on the roof of my mouth while breathing, my mouth feels like it has been burned by super hot food. What could this possibly be?

Warm sensation in chest

For the past couple of days I have been having this really weird warmth that seems to be running through my veins in the middle of my chest. I don't know if it is related or not, but I have had a really bad migraine for the past week. I don't know what to do. The warm feeling doesn't hurt, it just feels weird. I don't know what is going on. It feels like when they use the dye contrast for ct scans. It feels like it is flowing through me constantly. Like something warm is moving through the veins. Please help!!!

Unexplained Body Odor I can't smell


I am a 21 yr. old male with a body odor that seems to come and go as it pleases. I've asked family members and my doctor but they said they can't smell anything. But when I go to school people behind me hold their noses. This mysterious stench has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Is it possible that the smell is caused by stress? If so, why is it that I've never smelled this phantom feces odor and is there a cure? I always shower thoroughly and my diet consists of a lot of fruits and vegetables but nothing seems to help. I've become comfortable with who I am but I no longer wish for this smell to be a part of my identity. I believe everything happens for a reason but even if I'm wrong this understanding has helped me keep my sanity.

High MPV

My CBC showed a high MPV level of 13.8, what does this mean?


There is very little known about this disorder even though many people are being diagnosed with it. Anyone out there been diagnosed with Lymphedema?

canker sores

do nasal spray can cause canker sores?

I have a 3 mos. old baby he had colds and flu.the doctor gave me carbocistine and nasal spray . yesterday when he cried terribly i noticed a white circle in his throat.

I don't know if it's canker sores or milk build up.

Facial bones

What are the ways for a 15 year old to make his facial bones grow? Right now I'm drinking a lot of milk. Any other suggestions?

Thank you.

Not sure what doctor I need to see

I became suddenly dizzy (non-spinning, non-syncope) about 8 months ago and went to ER, then visited my PCP several times and finally saw an ENT that performed many balance tests and nothing remarkable was found by any of these except the ENT found a few abnormalities in some of the tests and theorized it may be migraine vertigo.

I have the symptoms all day every day except when sleeping or while I'm walking around. I actually don't feel the dizziness when I'm up and walking - it's felt most while I'm sitting. The best way I can describe it is it's like I sense a feeling of motion in my body when I'm still, and when I move my back, neck or head, I get an odd sensation - it's like the movement feels unatural or unbalanced in some way. Even taking a deep breath causes the feeling to worsen. I also get wierd head rush-like feelings in my head.

I don't have any pain, no tingling or numbness, no fainting.

I don't know what I should do now or what type of doctor I should try or if I should try again with my PCP (who basically seemed to out of suggestions the last I saw her).

Big problem with big toe

For about 6 months i have had a ingrown toe nail on my right foot, and recently sort of a creamy white patch has started growing under the nail from the cuticle. Any ideas what it is?

Please help diagnose..

I am an Asian Indian born in the USA and 26 years old. I occasionally drink and do not smoke.
I did a complete bloodwork and the following came back abnormal while everytihng else is in the normal range:

Neutrophils 42% Low
Lymps 46% High

Liver Panel:
AST 44 High
ALT 77 high

HDL 37mg/dl
LDL 105 mg/dl

CPK 269 U/L High
Folate 27.5 ng/ml

Fever before period

I get a lower fever before my period for about year or make me feel wick and horrible. Please suggest what i should do and what should i check for. thank you !

Cervical Dystonia and Botox

I was diagnosed with Cervical Dystonia about 6 months ago and have just received Botox injections for the second time. I was just wondering if there was anyone else out there who has cervical dystonia and/or received botox and what their experience was. My dr seems to think I'm a bit of an oddity as he feels I am too young to have this issue and don't seem to have any real explanation or known cause.
The muscle spasms pulled my head forward and down towards my left shoulder, so that my right shoulder was raised higher that my left and it looked like I was always tilting my head to the side and looking at the floor. It also triggered migraines, which I am prone to anyway. I have had daily headaches and neck and back aches for so many years that I couldn't even pinpoint a time when it started. Never paid much attention to it, as when I had mentioned it before to my dr it had always been brushed off as allergies. Fortunaely my primary Dr. noticed my shoulders were uneven and asked about headaches. After a convo w/her she referred me to a Neurologist who diagnosed me with the migraines (which I already knew I had) as well as the Cervical Dystonia. He recommended the Botox after all the tests and x-rays and what not were done. So I started the Botox this fall and just went in for the second time this morning. Ugh. I hate shots. But it was the first time in my adult life that I didn't have headaches or a stiff knotted up neck and back, so it is worth the discomfort to me.
Well, that is pretty much my story and I would love to hear from anyone else who can relate, as I don't know anyone who has dealt with this.

Neck Stiffness

Hi everyone. I'm not sure where this goes, so I'll post it here. Basically I'm a 25 yo male, who is pretty healthy. Anyway, about two days ago I had a slight fever (never got above 100.5) and leg aches. That only lasted about a day, and then when I woke up yesterday, my fever and aches were completely gone, but my neck was incredibly stiff. I first worried that it could be something like meningitis, but I'm pretty sure I had the vaccine before my freshman year of college. Plus the fact that I no longer have the fever, and have no other symptoms other than the stiff neck really. Today it still feels kinda stiff and I can feel it almost like crackle up behind my ears if I move it in certain directions. I'm able to get the full range of motion, but it feels very stiff, mostly up by the base of my skull. Should I get this checked out, or just take care of myself for a little and see what happens? Any one else have any similar issues?

shoulder arthroscopic surgery, but now muscle in arm might have torn?

hi I'm an 18 year old athletic male who had arthroscopic surgery on my shoulder 9 days ago. I have my sling and my ice pack on all day. recently I saw that when I had both off, there seemed to be a swelling under my arm. it is about half way up between the elbow and armpit. it is in the flat area that is usually unexposed to the sun. my concern is that it actually looks like a muscle may be disconnected. that strap around my bicep area was tight, and I'm just concerned maybe it had damaged the muscle? or maybe perhaps it's just swollen? any advice would be appreciated, thanks.

hormonal illness

hi you

i am glad that i found this site because i possibly have a hormonal disease but most doctors are ignorant.

since i have been a child i was very clumsy,often in my own world,unconcentrated, sometimes over active but also distant with other people.
i have always seen my world in a strange way and i am often uncoordinated.
when i grew older i got other mental illnesses from time to time, which for example feel like being on drugs or having sudden, strange and annerving ideas of persecution, but always with me having insight shortly after.

since i am a child i often noticed bleeding wounds under my fingernails in summer or sometimes while playing.

i also had three adult teeth just not growing.

since i got my menstruation at the age of 12 i often have my period irregular or sometimes even missing.
i often have bad premenenstrual migraines or a worsening of symptoms before my menstruation and sometimes cramps in the upper body (gall bladder?) one day before the period.
but i don`t have ovarian cysts.

at the age of 19 i had my first panic disorder episode.
it came suddenly and i got a fast heart rate,nausea,weakness and shortness of breath. (this cardiac-nausea-breathing problems are my worst symptoms of all, i think)

this problem got chronically for some periods of time (with better times inbetween) and my live wasn`t that live i led before.
soon i noticed that i felt better when i was eating something, but i have always been a normal eater and not dieting.
so i often had to eat more than normal from that time on.
for a while i also developed agoraphobia because of the symptoms.
but strange is that although i am often eating more for years now,i don`t really gain weight and i am on the low side of normalweigt.
sometimes the nausea,dizziness,heartbeating and weakness came over me and it was so bad that i had to lie down and eat like crazy (all day long) because otherwise i would have fainted or felt worse.
then until days later i often had a strange feeling and perception left.

i had some blood works (with liver enzyme testing,kidney test and tyroid) and also had a head m rt because of recurring and annerving eye twitches and tingling in hands and feet.
all the tests with no results, my t s h always comes back with about 0,8 (it is always about 0,8, in every blood test ?) and surprisingly normal to low f t4 and f t3 tests. ( i expected high because my symptoms resemble hypertyroidism).
an xray of the tyroid brought normal results.
glucose testings have always been normal,even in situations when i felt the need to eat.

i got a mild sun allergy when i was about 20, it is a short-lasting rash (itching,burning like sunburn)--usually localised and not on every exposed part of the body
it disappears within hours or a day.
but sometimes i even develop sporadic burning wounds while sunbathing (on arms and dorsal feet) ,mild acne in face and the thing with the bleeding under fingernails.
also my skin got a bit dry and sensitive in general.

other symptoms are sometimes constipation,insomnia,light headedness,muskle weakness and pelvic pains...

any idea what it could be?
i guess hypo physis because of the weird hormone symptoms and tyroid values...but i don`t have adenoma (?)


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